I have to see this one to believe! Could it be that the batteries were running down or not working properly and these people heard certain things the doll did not actually say?
It sounds like something the talking doll Chucky from the movies might say: "Kill James!" Instead, a Florida family says the threat to their toddler is coming from a talking Elmo doll. The Bowman family, of Lithia, Fla., said an Elmo doll belonging to their 2-year-old son, James, began to spout death threats towards him after they changed its batteries, TBO.com reports. The Elmo Knows Your Name Doll started saying "Kill James!" in a sing-song voice, the site reports... |
I guess I am a true cynic, because I started giggling (not like Tickle me Elmo mind you) when I read this story. My kids love that freaky character from Sesame street, and I do not know why.
Elmo always scared the blank out of me with that high pitched voice and the constant use of the third person. I always thought he was possessed, and this just confirms that position.
I say down with Elmo and his ilk.
I think that the Elmo doll is the new toy made by the government to slowly take over the minds of your young children. They may actually be recording what is happening in our own houses. All in the name of national security of course. They are looking for the family who is controlling the terrorists who are already in our country living amongst us.
Yes get rid of your Elmo now while your still safe.