The Forgotten

The Forgotten - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 4th Jun, 2007 - 1:58am

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11th Oct, 2004 - 7:44pm / Post ID: #

The Forgotten

Just saw this movie this weekend, and was a bit disappointed to be honest. I felt like the previews gave away too much and there wasnt enough of an element of surprise in the movie. The storyline is decent and the acting was also ok. It's not a movie I would watch again though. Wait for it on DVD or video. 2 starblue.gif' /><!--endemo--> </p><div> </div> </div>



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12th Dec, 2004 - 2:05am / Post ID: #

Forgotten The

Thanks for the review. I wanted to see it but after this review I'm not sure. What's the movie about and who are the actors?.

12th Dec, 2004 - 4:15pm / Post ID: #

The Forgotten Sports & Fashion Music Movies

I could say in a nutshell what the movie is about but it may be a spoiler since there is really no twist to the ending. Anyway, the movie's main star is Julianne Moore. She lost her son in a plane accident and is in a state of shock, undoubtedly. However, it seems her situation is extreme as she has to see a shrink to help her along. Slowly she begins to realize that she did not really have a son and that the plane accident, etc is all being made up, or is it? This is really where the movie takes a 180 degree turn as we start to find out about extra terrestrial activity and brain washing, etc. I wont say any more than that but it is definitely a movie you want to wait for when it is released on DVD or video. Someone else here may have a different perspective they would like to share but I was very disappointed.

12th Dec, 2004 - 6:21pm / Post ID: #

Forgotten The

Thanks for the explanation. It does seem like a good story line but must be done properly and in sequences. Some movies have a great story line but they fail in accomplish the goal set.

4th Jun, 2007 - 1:58am / Post ID: #

Forgotten The

This could have been a good thriller, but the whole extra-terrestrial scenario was a turn off really. I guess if you are an abduction freak then this movie will appeal to you. If the movie was portrayed like a dream then it would have been more pleasurable.

Rate: 1 starorange.gif' /><!--endemo--> </p><div> </div> </div>



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