Aaa Introduction
I am very impressed with this discussion forum, and website, but I have not familiarized myself well enough with the operations yet.
This is the most unique website I have ever visited in scope and design. In as much as I have said that, the way the site operates is also very different to what I have been working with.
I am still absorbing the
rules of participation and the information in the threads / topics of interest.
The topics I am interested in Make up Artistry, Education, Culture, Trinidad & Tobago just to start with.
Please forgive my ignorance but other than business communication, research and
constructive use of the internet for entertainment, I have personally never visited chat rooms or any type of site of this nature.
I am working at it, I have been checking the site regularly now. But I haven't got the hang of this yet.
My best wishes to everyone for a wonderful weekend...
P.S. Thank you to everyone for the warm!
Edited: aaa on 27th May, 2007 - 3:58am