Discussion related to the Language: English can be added here.
The English (Germanic) falls under the list of natural languages.
The English language organized itself, study reveals
A study of the history and spelling of English suffixes demonstrates that the spelling of English words is more orderly and self-organized that linguistics have previously thought. Ref. Source 3b.
So, when I was at the Defense Language Institute there were a few languages rated as cat 5, which is the hardest category. They were Chinese, Arabic, and Korean. This is because of how different and difficult it is for English speakers to learn. English comes from an amalgamation of the many European languages. That is why European languages are cat 3 or less. So, in speaking with the professors there we talked about this and they said English is worse. They showed me some examples like these and sealed it with this. Ghoti, what does that spell?
The gh as in rough = f
The o as in women = i
The ti as in lotion = sh
So, ghoti = fish.
That's the thing about English, even the people who have "Mastered" it haven't mastered it. It's such a tough language because it is such a conglomeration. It comes from Olde English, which is Germanic (Saxon), French, Norse, and has quite a bit of Latin, Greek, and various Celtic languages.
Elementary school: Early English language lessons less effective than expected
Seven years later, children who start learning English in the first grade achieve poorer results in this subject than children whose first English lesson isn’t until the third grade. The researchers evaluated data gathered in a large longitudinal study in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, that was carried out between 2010 and 2014. Ref. Source 9f.