Black Board & White Board
I've heard that teachers who use the White Board over the Black Board do so for racial reasons - Is that true?
Gossip, you made me laugh really loud with that question. It never crossed my mind. I rather white boards for the only reason is that is much cleaner. You do not have to worry about chalk all over you or dust. I do not see any racial reasons.
Well it just goes to show you that some people will believe everything they hear. Personally though I use white boards for health reasons. If I use chalk (even the so called dustless ones) I would go into a coughing fit. I would like to keep my lungs thank you. I would not recommend white boards for the infant department though, unless it is being used for chart displays. Infants need to see better handwriting. When I was teaching the infants some years ago, I would write on the board before they come in and use a damp cloth to erase the writing on the board. I look forward to further discussions.
I'd be curious to find out the source (not the person's name) of that information. We teach that before you believe something, you must have confidence in the source of the information. Check for things like reliability, validity and bias.
Why would someone start that rumour.
Anyone who has experienced a hand full of chalk, a dusty desk, chalk on your clothes and nose and compared that to the whiteboard would understand in this instance why white is the preferred option in thes instance.
Oh loss this one had me laughing! You are not seriously asking that right? So what would you say for teachers that use green boards?