Recipe name:
Wespennester Wefzgeneschter Wasp Nests Recipe category:
What are your thoughts about this classic dish? Recipe details: Wespennester - Wefzgeneschter (Wasp Nests)
1 Egg, separated 2 tb Milk 50 g Flour (1/2 cup less 1 Tbsp) 1 ds Salt 10 tb Liquid honey Fat for frying From grandmother's more thrifty times; rarely encountered today. From the Oberallgaeu region. Make a batter of the flour, egg yolk, milk, salt, and sugar. Beat the egg whites, and add to the mixture. Take five wooden spoons and stick the handles about 1/3 to 3/4 inch deep into the dough, twisting the handles as you do so. Immediately transfer them to fat that has been heated to 390 degrees F. As soon as the dough has browned, once again dip into the dough, then back into the hot fat. Repeat the process 5 to 6 times. When the very outside layer has turned crisp and brown, remove the pastry from the spoon handle, fill with honey, and serve hot, dusted with crushed sugar. Makes 8 wasp nests, for dessert. From: D'SCHWAEBISCH' KUCHE' by Aegidius Kolb and Leonhard Lidel, Allgaeuer Zeitungsverlag, Kempten. 1976. (Translation/Conversion: Karin Brewer) Posted by: Karin Brewer, Cooking Echo, 8/92 |