I am interested to know what other peoples view on life are on a whole please feel free to share your opinions of your view on life of other peoples.
This is my view.
I view life as unessersary simply because we have no meaning, we are here simply to exist. During life all we ever seem to do is suffer and be punished for not being perfect and yet so many people in so many different countries all over the world think they are better than others because they have more material items I.e. money, a nice house or a nice car. I personally believe that all life, no matter what form its in, are each others equals as we are all essentially the same thing. those who think we are better than other species because we can do certain things they cannot are sorely mistaken. In fact we are no match for most of the animal world when it comes to outright survival. I could go into a lot more detail but as I'm sure you can imagine life is a very wide subject.
Edited: Armstrong on 1st Mar, 2006 - 11:07am
Life is short, therefore set high goals and ambitions to accomplish everything you can.
You will still not reach your zenith.
Also, people who are most successful in life, do not care about themselves, and if they need to refer to themselves, are very modest.
So set goals you want to accomplish and work on them every day, without fail.