Chris Benoit - Page 2 of 2

I think that the drugs that some of them take - Page 2 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 31st Jul, 2008 - 5:58pm

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The whole family murdered!
18th Jul, 2007 - 8:10pm / Post ID: #

Chris Benoit - Page 2

I may be wrong but Ed and his crew I am sure encourage the wrestlers to pump up with steroids for the showmanship. Also if he was aware of severe condition in Chris's home and was well aware of the steroid use but still did nothing about it is him or his company not in part responsible through inaction for the murders?

The claim to tested him for steroids in may and claim he was steroid free yet the doctor claims he had been on steroids up to the end or may or even june. Some one here is lying as his body at death was full of steroids and many other drugs. This information I read in todays copy of the Hamilton spectator which is the local news paper.

International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 ActivistPoliticianSenior Politician 18.8%

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Post Date: 19th Jul, 2007 - 12:44pm / Post ID: #

Chris Benoit
A Friend

Benoit Chris

I read in a British newspaper that physical evidence unearthed in the case points to the possibilty that he killed his son using his wrestling "special" move - the crippler cross face, which is essentially a painful submission move.

Apparantly, the bruising to Benoit's son's neck was not suggestive of strangulation, but did seem to fit with the idea of the the poor boy being subjected to the brutal move.

I used to play-wrestle with mates using these moves when I was a kid, but reading about this twisted incident makes you feel sick.

31st Jul, 2008 - 3:31pm / Post ID: #

Chris Benoit History & Civil Business Politics

I need to apologize for the ill thoughts I had had on Chris and wish I had some pipes to play over his grave.

I was watching a special on wrestling last night where the reported had decided to dig deeper into this case. Yes Chris did abuse drugs just like every wrestler out there does.

Bret Heart, Chris's father and others just really could not swallow that this had been the steroids, in the interview you could see that they we being honest in this response. Yes roids can cause rage but that comes and flare out fast and does not alter your sense of right and wrong. The time it took to kill the child was not fast and the fact is Chis had also started being paranoid would take alternate route home and had the house secured with guard dogs and his son was enrolled in a sucure school where non could get at him.

Dementia was setting in but why? Roids I doubt that highly so what is the cause.

A wrestler who had retired due to sever concussion had suffered after his leaving WWE and was highly educated. He decided not to drop investigating his headaches and such as he thought it was due to the head injury. After long search he found a Doctor who was willing to try and treat him. The doctor had been working with a local Univerity and had been studying head injuries with football player and the long term effect. It turns out that repeat conclusions cause a protein to be be released into that brain that is usually associated with old age and dementia.

The study of the football players showed that this same protein was found in many who had committed suicide and other who had similar symptoms as Chis had and they ended up in suicide and early deaths due to heart conditions.

The results for this study are soon to be released and will rock the wrestling and pro sport world. As they have found the link between the dementia, strokes, suicide and bade hearts that many of our pro athletes have been suffering from behind the scenes .... multiple undiagnosed conclusions!

Chris had the brain of a 86 year old man who had suffered from dementia! For the sake of Chris's father I am very glad that this other wrestler had followed up on his own injuries to find this information and then had the idea to ask for Chis's brain so it could be studied and thus proven Chris have been mental ill at the time of his death and as such incapable of being prosecuted for his deeds (If he had not committed suicide.)

You bet Ed is scared and shaking in his boots to the point where they are now checking the wrestlers every six months for signs. To late for many but if some good can come from his death and his family it will I am sure help those left behind.

Chris loved his son more then anything else in this world. How sick was his mind?

International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 ActivistPoliticianSenior Politician 18.8%

Post Date: 31st Jul, 2008 - 3:45pm / Post ID: #

Chris Benoit
A Friend

Page 2 Benoit Chris

That is very interesting. I know I stopped watching wrestling after everyone really started to beef up due to roid use. I think it took a lot from the pro wrestling. I liked the days where everyone was more equal naturally.

I hope that all these tests and research on what happened to Chris proves that the use of enhancement drugs and other substances can cause you to become mentally ill. Maybe this will make some thing a little harder before using like Chris did.

31st Jul, 2008 - 4:24pm / Post ID: #

Benoit Chris

Unfortunately no his metal condition was not due to the drugs at all it was due to the concussion he received I would this this is similar if not the same as the Mohammad Ali syndrome.

I think the link to the drugs is the fact that you are so doped up you do not feel the real damage being done. It is also a lack of education on part of the wrestling owners. That is they do not the the wrestlers hey it is not normal for the light to turn orange then back to normal during a match (or the room goes black for a second and that if this happens you need medical attention.

One of Chris's signature moves was the flying head butt! The drugs are taking our other parts of the body do not get me wrong.

International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 ActivistPoliticianSenior Politician 18.8%

Post Date: 31st Jul, 2008 - 5:58pm / Post ID: #

Chris Benoit
A Friend

Chris Benoit

I think that the drugs that some of them take has something to do with it too. I have no proof or facts to back me up on this. Something has to be going on besides a few concussions. I think they are aggravating their injuries by using drugs to stop the pain or other signs that are telling them something is wrong here.

The fact that Chris had a number of drugs in his system can help us understand that many are playing hurt like other athletes. The human body sends out pain to our brain to say HEY! STOP DOING THIS! But many professional athletes use drugs to ignore this. This is when they get hurt worse and possible damaged beyond repair. This can include brain damage thus mental illness.

I attribute all of this to the misuse of prescription and over the counter drugs.

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