I heard this morning he claimed that this was due to an unexpected reaction to some pain meds he's taking after his recent back surgery. One thing is certain, he has not been the same man nor the same golfer since what happened between him and his wife. He let some partying and narcissistic fools, led by Michael Jordan, lead him down a bad path. I'm sure Woods' SF father wouldn't have approved of the life MJ promoted.
He was on that pace and it is sad. I loved him when he first came up. And his dad was Special Forces too. It just goes to show the importance of family and having a good woman as a stabilizing influence. At least, that's my take on it. I really think it all fell apart because of that. He was never the same after that happened.
That was a fairly long time ago. It was when he and his wife were splitting up. He went through some kind of substance abuse program back then. According to him, this was due to an allergic reaction. I give him the benefit of the doubt… for now. Let's see what the police report has to say. As for his look, mug shots tend not to be too flattering. And if he was having a reaction to the meds that would explain the look.