Post Date: 3rd Jan, 2009 - 3:59pm / Post ID:
Tiger Woods Movies Music Fashion & Sports - Page 7
Vincenzo said:
QUOTE But if you look at the timing, it is just a handful of months after his father passed away. I think he subconciously was looking to get caught or to have someone fill the role of keeping him on the straight and narrow like his father. You cannot be this high of profile (where the paparazzi are drooling to find you messing up) person and have affairs everywhere and not expect to get caught.
I believe it would be safe to say, no one really knows who Tiger is. His father also had an affair while he was married, so maybe we could say, like father, like son?
Vincenzo, I disagree with your point about him subconsciously trying to get caught. Many reports indicate that Tiger was very careful while having a string of affairs. He changed his cell phone several times to avoid his calls or text messages from being traced. I suppose he felt a perverse thrill by having these secret affairs and thought he could get away with all of them. He never dreamed that these other women would "throw him under the bus" by divulging personal details about his affairs. What makes me sick is the fact that these women seem so proud to be his mistress and are literally selling themselves to the highest bidder. Tiger also had friends to approach some of these women, to go out and have a good time with him. He would even go as far as booking a room at a hotel under a friend's name instead of his own name. I think the reason why he did not get caught is, the paparazzi do not follow sportsmen as much as the actors and actresses. The reporters who follow these sportsmen careers, tend to reveal one side of the sportsman and ignore all their dark secrets. These particular reporters enjoy announcing if the sportsman failed or succeeded.
QUOTE There was plenty of time to establish a playboy image before marriage, but he was noted as being shy. You cannot tell me it was becoming a billionare that did it to him.
Image is everything Vincenzo! I think Tiger deliberately wanted to portray himself as "The sweet shy guy. The kind of person you would love your daughter to bring home and introduce to the rest of the family!" This image worked favourably for him. Just take a look at his endorsements. And now, some of his sponsors are dropping him like hot potatoes. If it were just one or three affairs, I believe the sponsors would have stood by him. But FOURTEEN is ridiculous and disgusting! Sponsors are smart to cut Tiger loose before they start losing money.
I think the money and fame all went to his head. It has been reported that his wife, Elin, knew about his "wild, partying ways" and ironically, she spoke to him about changing and he promised her to change. I think that women should learn that there are some men, who would never give up their "playboy lifestyle" for them. The bachelor lifestyle is far to intoxicating than just being a doting dad.
QUOTE His behaviour changed after his wife was pregnant and his father died.
Well there are three solutions to this problem Vincenzo:
1) Seek counselling. Don't cling on to the excuse that his father is dead and this is why he should run wild.
2) Don't get married. Try to embrace and accept his father's death first.
3) If he thought getting married would fill the hole in his heart and eliminate the pain he experienced when his father died, he should consider confiding in his wife about his true feelings. And not seek temporary comfort in the arms of his mistresses. And above all, he should postpone from having kids until he grows up and starts acting like an adult.
Several reports are indicating that Tiger Woods is a sex addict. Since when did adultery become a disease?