Hi all, I have been directed to this website with promise of a great mature role playing community. I hope it can deliver on the promises of a friend. Having looked over the current RPG Future Earth I am very eagre to get involved.
I have not been involved in a good Text Based RPG for some years now, I feel I may be a little rusty but I'm sure my alter ego will make itself known as soon as I get started.
I spend allot of time reading action fantasy and fiction so hope I will enhance any quests we end up attempting with some character and very little grace.
I Look forward to getting on board and spending my spare time in work searching the topics in the forums where posts consist of constructive comments rather than your every day forums consisting of name calling text talk.
see you all soon.
Welcome Future RPGer
We are glad that you have taken the time to register. To become an RPGer here is very simple:
1. Post 30 Constructive messages thus proving you are capable of good Play by Post participation.
2. After making 30 Posts request RPG status here, your Introduction Thread. Make sure your activity level is 75% or above. The activity level is to ensure that you are not one of those types that join and then expect to play after days or weeks on inactivity. (You cannot see activity level on the Plain or Default Skin, please choose another Skin and then look at your Intro Thread and you will see a feature indicating your Activity Level.
3. Create your Future Earth character.
You can find all the details of other role-playing games within our RPG Page. You may also find the following links of help to you:
Read --> Posting Policy | See All Boards | Site Map | FAQ
Thanks Zydir.
I have already created my character profile for when the time comes and have read through the terms of play and guidelines. That is part of the reason I have joined because it all looks well managed with a fair amount of participation.
Not 100 posts a day where if your having a busy day or a weekend away you wont fall out of the story but active enough to not have to wait weeks to open a door.
I'm rather looking forward to it. I am looking to pack in my bad smoking habit and having something constructive and fun to do during my break.
Looking forward to it.
We have a very good RPG community here. We have fantasy, future earth and even some Dungeons & Dragons role-playing games to join in if that is wha you like. Yeah you do not need to post 100 times a day but you do need to be active. Posting 4-5 times a day you can have your 30 posts requirement quickly and be a outstanding contributor to the role-playing games. Hope to see you there soon.
Your last post (PHP Text RPG) was deleted for not being constructive, based on the following:
4. Make sure that you are not just trying to increase your post count by either duplicating or posting vague information, for example just saying "I agree" is not significant input, but also add worthwhile replies that are related to the Topic.
Please review our: Constructive Posting Policy.
Honey, better watch how you are posting because the Mods are editing some of your messages too and if they get tired of doing it they say "bye bye".