High School Shootings
I was just watching the news about yet another high school shooting. One has to consider... why do these things happen in the first place? By enlarge it is a social crime of a 'group' of teens affecting one teen psychologically with taunts and teasing. Or is it something else? What is the solution?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 100%
the taunts&teasing are part of the catylist that gets the fire started inside but what fuels the rage to get it to the point of shooting,stabing etc. there are better qualified people than we all here, trying to get to the bottom of this rage and what causes it, reminds me of a spoiled kid who cant have what they want so the kid lashes out the best way it knows how to let us who are paying no att:to the kid (yo im here)
This is definetly a psychological issue of these kids because there are hundreds of kids out there who are being teased and they don't react like this BUT again, not every person reacts in the same way in the same circumnstances. Some kids who are continually being teased at school decide to commit suicide...so the teasing is definetly an issue more when they're teenagers when they're learning to know who they are and to have friends and be accepted is a big deal for them. I think part of the solution of this problem is for the parents to see the signs because yes, those kind of kids give signs that they need help. Sometimes parents don't listen the problems their kids have at school because they don't consider it important when it's a great problem for the kid...parents should realize that teenagers have big issues to deal with, it may seem small compared with adult problems but for them at that time of their lives is a big deal.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Here's an occurence that happened just this past week at a middle school:
A 15 year old boy took a pellet gun to a Florida middle school, after painting the bright colored part of the gun black, making it look like a lethal hand gun. He ended up in a restroom after walking around the campus with the gun, where police had found him. He apparently lifted the gun towards a police officer and was shot. He is now on advanced life support.
This is a tragedy. I wonder if guns were not legal whether the officer would have felt threatened enough to shoot to kill?
This incident raises questions about just how safe people feel in this US town and the way police are being trained to deal with incidents.
International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 45.3%
First off, guns are not legal for Highschool kids anyway, so that argument doesn't matter. They would have found a way to get a gun if they really wanted it.
As for the reason as to why this happened, I don't know, but I do have a few thoughts. I think two kids in Columbine went over the edge, further than any other kid had done before, for what reasons only god knows. Before that time, taking a gun to school was generally not a consideration by kids. But since the idea had been put in their heads, it would be used again, and is becoming more common. The more something gets done, the less shock value it has. With less and less shock value, it becomes easier to convince yourself to do something crazy like this, especially in a jacked up teens head. Further, parents are refusing to take their responsibility in this matter by admitting that they didn't see their crazy kid heading towards this path. When I was growing up, my parents knew if I had a bad day at school without me having to tell them, they watched me, were part of my life on a daily, even hourly bases, and thus could see changes in my demeanor and behavior. If more parents did that and were as involved as my parents were, this wouldn't happen. However, there will be some bad seeds, and they intern sowed the idea, which started the wild fire.
Strange that this should come up now, even though it is a complete coincidence, but they recently aired the Brenda Spencer story, " I don't like mondays" here on TV. Even though this was the first 'school shooting', Brenda never admitted to the 'real' reason behind her actions.
This documentary was filmed around the (I think) 20th anniversary of the shooting, and included footage of her parole hearing, which she was denied. It seems from the in depth interviews that the production company did, Brenda had a strange upbringing, and really had no boundaries put in place. Her parents were separated and she lived with her father. Only at the parole hearing did she mention that she had been abused by her father and tried to use this as an excuse for her actions. Her father flatly denied this claim, and seemed to be a little strange himself.
My theory is that she was seeking attention, and that the school shootings that have happened since are basically a bit of jealousy gone mad. Kids seem to seek notoriety or fame, and don't seem to have the basic discipline to understand the damage they do. It's a strange world we live in...