Butterfly Evolution

Butterfly Evolution - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 3rd May, 2010 - 2:51am

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Post Date: 13th Jul, 2007 - 10:19am / Post ID: #

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Butterfly Evolution

Butterfly shows evolution at work

A Pacific island butterfly makes a comeback, in one of the fastest evolutionary changes ever observed.
Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/6896753.stm

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18th Jul, 2007 - 5:59pm / Post ID: #

Evolution Butterfly

Makes me question the effect of our pollution on humans a bit more and if we are not adapting to it more than we realize. Nature has its was of ensuring survival, I just hope we are not the weak link.

24th Mar, 2010 - 6:12am / Post ID: #

Butterfly Evolution UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

We are not the weak link, we are the ultra-strong link that are breaking the other links.

To me the key words are:

international QUOTE
the fastest evolutionary changes ever observed.

Seems this butterfly has the ability to evolve. Interesting, also if you look into the way a butterfly is created from a worm, one has to ask about creation.

When a caterpillar changes from its stage too a butterfly it turns into a goo. Then reconstructs itself in to the form of the butterfly.

How could this be an evolutionary ability? I do not see it possible.

26th Mar, 2010 - 6:26pm / Post ID: #

Evolution Butterfly

Interesting indeed about such a creature having the ability to evolve that rapidly.

When the caterpillar changes into a butterfly does it really turn to goo? I have never researched into it but I always thought it was like a deep hibernation followed by shedding its outer-shell and growing wings like we would grow pubic hair for example.

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27th Mar, 2010 - 6:07pm / Post ID: #

Evolution Butterfly

international QUOTE
Within the chrysalis the caterpillar slowly turns into a butterfly. There is a transformation-taking place within the pupa. The body parts of the caterpillar disintegrate to form the body parts of the butterfly.
also see Source 8 .

Surprisingly I could find almost no information on exactly what takes place during this transformation after about a half hour of searching. I also came across some information that describes the change in a slightly different way. It said that the cells are already their within the caterpillar and that they grow while feeding off of the previous cells that are "deleted" in a sense.

Regardless this is still an extraordinary feat. I wonder how such an ability could come about threw evolution. Though I suppose it may be possible. Sounds like the transformation of an egg to a chicken or something along those lines but only it does this externally in a way. Like the caterpillar is a walking embryo.

28th Mar, 2010 - 6:24am / Post ID: #

Butterfly Evolution

* Imagine being a caterpillar and eating vegetation, crawling along. Then eventually you feel like climbing a tree. After that, why not make a cocoon? (whats a cocoon? ahh never mind that just make it) Once in this cacoon you fall into a deep sleep were you feel your whole body being transformed. All of a sudden you feel free and want to fly, drink nectar and mate. *

Also, I have recently been wondering about butterfly brains and the brains of frogs. In one moment in life you are eating leaves or vegetation. The next you are eating meat or nectar.

What in the evolutionary cycle allowed such an ability to develope? It would have had to happen over seemingly millions of years.

Could it be this is an entirely new kind of evolution not considered before? A Rapid Evolution Theory ?

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28th Mar, 2010 - 6:41am / Post ID: #

Butterfly Evolution

I wonder for the butterfly if it is a stage of rebirth? The caterpillar may have the instinct to make a cocoon to die in as a salmon has an instinct to fight raging rapids in reverse direction to lay eggs in a calm stream and die.

While in this cocoon maybe it defeats death and it's energy is reborn into something new hatched from something old? Or maybe caterpillars have something that acts as an egg inside of it that is fertilized by death? And in order for the butterfly to hatch it survives from the nutrients that the caterpillar worked so hard to store within itself.

Same idea with a baby inside a mother, it starts as a fertilized egg but the mother does not feed herself literally to the baby, instead she shares her food with it.

3rd May, 2010 - 2:51am / Post ID: #

Butterfly Evolution Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO

I am going a little way off of the main topic here but it actually pertains to the topic, so bear with me.

When someone dreams they go threw a process. The dream is designed to prepare us for unfamiliar instances and also make us more prepared for the ones we face. Pluss possible future scenarios we have not faced yet.

Scientific studies show animals dream. They also show we take information and play it out in alternate realities and situations to see the most beneficial response.

With this information I wonder if evolution has been altered threw this. Meaning what if not only reality during the waking day alters the creature. But also the dreaming state when they go threw all their information, and "think outside the box" for solutions.

This could explain how such giant leaps where taken in evolution. Bridging gaps between seemingly unbridgeable places.

It is like if you are designing a car, you have the schematics there before you. When they are in the computer you can alter them and run them threw simulated tests. Take that technology then amplify it by 100 and that is what dreams allow. They allow the life form to test out different things and judge which is the best course of action.

Reconcile Edited: Oliron on 3rd May, 2010 - 2:58am

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