1.Temples will be built in Brigham City, Utah; Concepcion, Chile; Fortaleza, Brazil (Temple number 7th for Brazil!); Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; and Sapporo, Japan.
2. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdor gave a talk that focused on the Savior and His great example of love. He said that as the Church continues to grow, Latter-day Saints can help redefine negative stereotypes about the Church by exemplifying Christian values. We become disciples of Jesus Christ by showing love. His talk focused mainly on the importance to become more of a true disciple of Christ.
I had tickets for conference yesterday so I watched it live. Elder Uchtdor gave a powerful talk about Christ it touched many hearts now if we could get that down to the local membership & leaders!
A little summary of some of the talks:
1. Elder Eyring:
Help others, LDS urged
LDS Church members were encouraged Sunday during the final day of the 179th Semiannual General Conference to reach out and help others each day and also to heed God's words and commandments to survive this time of worldly permissiveness.
"Those who live only for themselves eventually shrivel up and, figuratively, lose their life, while those who lose themselves in service to others grow and flourish - and in effect save their life," church President Thomas S. Monson said during Sunday morning's conference session. Ref. Source 2
Elder Holland was my favorite....he was so bold with his testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel; I was very inspired by his testimony, and in fact feel it was an answer to some of my prayers.
Also, I don't think that I have ever heard it preached so much to help one another; we all need that right about now, I think. My husband was out of work for an entire year, a few years back, it was so difficult; I was amazed by how many of my member neighbors didn't even bring me a plate of cookies; their non-support, added to my trial; ohh, there were a few that helped us out, but that would be the bishop and the relief society president....kind-of their job.. Needless to say, it reminded me of what it felt like to be suffering and how much support would have been appreciated; I will try harder to reach out.
Elder Holland overdid it a lil bit with the tone of voice when he spoke about disbelievers it didnt sound very good to me you know what am I saying? The approach should be a lil more humble in my view if we wanna to get this people back into the flock. I admit he's a great speaker though but sometimes can over do it with the voice modulation.
Plus holy smokes! what the heck happened with sister Bibbs and her smiling through the talk even when she talked about people dying? I thought it was freaky!