Horrific abuse alleged on Rotorua toddler
Police say the child, now in intensive care at Auckland's Starship Hospital, may be left with permanent brain damage. The child was subjected to three weeks of degradation and humiliation. She was in a serious but stable condition last night. The allegations of how the girl was treated include that she was hung on a clothesline until she fell from it, put in a clothes drier and was put in a sandpit as objects were thrown at her.
Ref. https://www.stuff.co.nz/4142142a10.html
My goodness! It makes you sick to your stomach to read things of this nature. These people are possessed, I just cannot comprehend how a "normal" person who may work, who may be your neighbor, can do something like this. My prayers go to this little girl that for the mercy of God she still alive.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Maori leaders have responded to the horrific abuse of a Rotorua toddler with anger and shame.
Ref. https://www.stuff.co.nz/hlc/1,,93498~4145240a11~,00.html