Besides Iran, Saudi Arabia is a place that I definitly do not wish to go anytime soon. Freedom of religion there is non-existent.
"Saudi customs authorities enforce strict regulations concerning importation into Saudi Arabia of such banned items as alcohol products, weapons and any item that is held to be contrary to the tenets of Islam," reads the U.S. State Department's travel advisory on Saudi Arabia. "This includes non-Islamic religious materials, pork products and pornography." The restriction isn't new, but the government seems to have recently stepped up its enforcement of it. Saudi Arabian Airlines warns of the rule on its Web site, the Post reported. "Items and articles belonging to religions other than Islam are prohibited," the national airline states. "These may include Bibles, crucifixes, statues, carvings, items with religious symbols such as the Star of David and others." |
So extreme, one must wonder what they are afraid of really, we are talking about religious items here. I can understand the prohibition against alcohol, drugs, weapons and even porn, but religion? Look and see... just now foreigners will have to step off the plane, raise their hand to the square and immediately take some sort of Islamic oath before they are allowed to venture into the country.