Best Printer

Best Printer - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 14th Apr, 2006 - 9:56pm

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Post Date: 16th Oct, 2004 - 12:08pm / Post ID: #

Best Printer

Which printer gives you the best quality for the best price? You may also wish to add details such as model, price and capabilities.

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16th Oct, 2004 - 9:25pm / Post ID: #

Printer Best

6-7 years ago, when I worked in Retail at OfficeMax, I would have been able to make a more educated decision on printers, because I sold many of them. I was, and still am, under the impression that HP printers were the best in terms of reliability and affordability. I even purchased an HP 6L laser printer at one time, but traded it in for an ink jet, because of the lack of color printing. I now have a Canon S400 that I received with my computer. The Canons are nice in that they offer the 4 cartridge system, instead of 2. That way you can replace an individual color without having to replace a multi-color cartridge.

14th Apr, 2006 - 5:56am / Post ID: #

Best Printer Gaming Video & Issues Computer

Rant time:

I have always been and possibly always will be a HUGE HP printer fan. HP inkjet printers are above many other printers in quality with the exception of possibly Epson but with the benefit that every time you change ink cartridges you are actually replacing the print head as well which adds to the life span of the printer and ensures continued quality in printing. HP lasers have always been work horses. They will print until they are completely destroyed and some of the older models will print still even then.

Current favorite model printer is the HP Color Laserjet 3550. This printer sales for approx $600.00 US. Each color toner (4 in all) is independently controlled thus giving this printer a wonderful diagnostic ability and ensures easy troubleshooting (if and when it decides to break down). The quality of a Laser Printer that HP has sold for years, the beauty of color printing that everyone desires, and the economically affordable price that is sure to make everyone's christmas list.

*The HP Color Laserjet 3600 is out to replace the 3550 with all the same features and the same price tag. I have not worked with the 3600 yet but I can only imagine that it will be just as good if not better than the 3550. I do know that it is rated at a higher page per minute.

14th Apr, 2006 - 8:04pm / Post ID: #

Printer Best

Thanks for the review, bwren. I will be in the market for a printer very soon, as the Canon I spoke about earlier is not working. I suspect the print head needs to be replaced, and while that is not difficult to do, I am done with inkject printing. It just seems the print heads become clogged so quickly and then you are just wasting time and money on ink cartridges and low print quality.
I am glad you like the HP Laserjet, and color would be a nice addition, but not necessary. Do you recommend any HP Laser printers that are not color, and if so, which ones? Although, with a price tag of $600 US, it may just be better to go with the color one. What is the volume on the cartridges for the HP 3600 or 3550 and cost?

14th Apr, 2006 - 9:56pm / Post ID: #

Printer Best

As far as black and white laser printers go I will give you two major choices to choose.

First being the HP Laserjet 2400 Series. This printer is a work horse like I have never seen. It's monthly volume rates at up to 100,000 per month which is most likely way more than you would need. It carries a price tag of around $550.00 which is a little high unless you expect to pull the full volume of the printer.

Second is the HP Laserjet 1320. This printer is rated at a mere 10,000 pages but comes with the economical price tag of $399.99 unless you choose an extra paper tray or Jet direct. This printer is wonderful as long as you do not exceed it's rated volume. The only thing I am not crazy about this printer for is that the drive gears that drive the toner cartridge are plastic. They hold up very well actually but if you ever have to move it I highly recommend removing the toner cartridge before transporting it. This is what seems to cause the most problems.

Either printer would be a wonderful extension for your home office. It is just going to all depend on how much you intend on printing.

Offtopic but,
Currently on HP's web site the Laserjet 1320 has a rebate of $100.00. This most likely means it has a replacement to come out soon but also means if you act fast you may can save a little extra cash.

> TOPIC: Best Printer


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