Is Psoriasis the same as leprosy or measles?
Scientists discover a link between psoriasis and general bone loss
For the first time, researchers have linked psoriasis to the risk of widespread bone loss and describe how the protein IL-17 acts as a 'messenger' between the skin and the bones. IL-17 inhibitors, some of which already on the market, could simultaneously address skin inflammation and associated bone loss. These results recommend monitoring the bone mass of patients with psoriasis to select the most appropriate treatment. The study has potential implications in other autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease. Ref. Source 1i.
Combining biologic and phototherapy treatments for moderate-to-severe psoriasis
Although the efficacy and safety of biologic and phototherapeutic treatments in treating moderate-to-severe psoriasis are well known, not all patients respond well to monotherapy and may require a combination of both types of therapy. There have been few studies investigating the safety and efficacy of combination treatment; now, a review shows that combination treatment is safe and viable. Ref. Source 7q.
Severe psoriasis predominantly affects men
The fact that men are overrepresented in psoriasis registers and consume more psoriasis care have long led researchers to believe that the common skin disease disproportionately affects men. A unique study with 5,438 Swedish psoriasis patients now reveals that women have a statistically significant lower incidence of severe psoriasis compared to men. Ref. Source 2p.