Car pooling does help though not a complete solution on its own. JB is very correct, urban sprawl and downtown growth I think in most cities just occurs then suddenly the town goes oops we for got about roads. Even with the massive road structures in the Greater Toronto area they are far from sufficient. We are lucky that there is large lands in this country, but in the metro areas the land is already developed. Car pooling helps a lot but better public transit is also required....Subways in the metro areas helps to move enormous amounts of people. But how do you get from the subway to your work place? Bus is that not one of the biggest car pools going? Being unfamiliar with the islands it is hard to judge how much car pooling would really help. I will just have to think the one car vs 4 is better though far from perfect. One solution to small two lane roads is to dedicate more roads to a one way road system and encourage car pooling and use of the public transit (assuming it is safe to do so.).
In Toronto one of the biggest encouragements a driver has for car poling is the cost of fuel and parking.
Krakyn, the best way to envision how it is here is to picture this:
Imagine taking the road outside your home, which is probably built for two cars to pass in a residential area, and take some paint and divide it into three. Then next to your home I put some very tall apartment complexes housing thousands of people. Now, imagine it is 7:00am and it is time for everyone to go to work on your street and you can understand what we are dealing with here.
Krakyn, first we have to find out if any thinking takes place, then we can move on to what they actually think about. Okay to be correct. This is how I think it goes down... Town & Country Planning and the Ministry of Works & Transport sit down with proposed plans to put up 'x' buildings. The planners say "no way", the Ministry says, "our roads can't handle it", but the Prime Minister comes in an says, "make it so" (because he wants big business and tax dollars) and walla, big buildings are going up. Car pooling is one of those 'neat' little ideas that will not work. The idea they have here is for five people to jump in your car and go to the city. Trinis like to lime, but when it comes to getting to work they do not tend to mix matters and will often try to out maneuver you on the road just to be one car length ahead. Why will they waste time worrying about picking up five people before they get to work.
Well I for one don't have a problem picking up a friend or neighbor who is going my way in the morning and/or the way back home but to mandate it by law or even to say encourage it by rewarding it goes a bit for me. Not all Trinis like people in their cars though, so that is why this system may not work here. Who knows maybe with the increase in Premium Gas some people may actually pool now. Stranger things have happened.
Trying to be first in line leaving late sound pretty much like here and is the major leading cause of death in a motor accident. Car pooling does work but you have to brainwash the masses into it over 10 years or so. Rewards do help like lane for cars with multi passengers only.
I have no issue giving any one a ride but they getter be ready as I am not waiting on them, especially if I ma picking them up at their door. Car pool lot I can give time for traffic. It is a hard thing to do though and does take understadning to keep a pool healthy.
Rewards do help like lane for cars with multi passengers only. |
Car pooling does work but you have to brainwash the masses into it over 10 years or so |