Dual citizenship may be a potential tax problem in the near future depending on the property amount! My father is in a facility where he was paying for his medications and care and as soon as he needed to be hospitalized, medications and care went up 1000% or more. His medications before hospitalization were $100-200 USD per month but when he went into the hospital and began using the hospital formulary, medication jumped to $5000-6000 per month.
We applied for aid due to his age (82) and then we found out he had to spend down all his assets before he could even be considerd.
TRANSLATION: Where ever he had assets, they had to be sold, to pay for any outstanding debt and only then would paperwork be initiated!
Many countries see dual citizenship as a way to attract skilled people and retain them into a cohesive model for change but smaller countries like T&T may not understand that concept so it may not be that palatable.
QUOTE (Yeniseri) |
T&T may not understand that concept so it may not be that palatable. |
Name: Neville
Comments: How do my wife & I apply for and receive Trinidad & Tobago citizenship? We are currently citizens of Canada, but were born in Trinidad.
I'm not sure if I understand your question. If you were born in Trinidad then you are a citizen of Trinidad & Tobago. |
Name: Ricky
Comments: How do you go about getting dual citizenship in Trinidad and Tobago? Do you apply or is it automatic once you were born there?
If you were born here or your parents are citizens then you are a citizen. Trinidad & Tobago allows dual citizenship, but the other countries do not so you will have to check with the, to see if they will want you to give up your Trini roots. I know the US doesn't allow dual citizenship.