Can Priesthood Blessings Be Given To Animals?

Can Priesthood Blessings Animals - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 20th Jul, 2005 - 5:38am

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26th Jan, 2005 - 1:58am / Post ID: #

Can Priesthood Blessings Be Given To Animals?

international QUOTE
"Brethren should administer to the sick at the request of the sick person or of someone who is vitally concerned so the blessing will be according to their faith"( D&C 24:13-14; 42:43-44, 48-52).

Well, animals cannot exercise faith. Can priesthood blessings be given to them?. Is the faith of the owner's animal sufficient for that blessing to work?.

Our dear pioneers gave their animals priesthood blessings:
international QUOTE

"As the company was crossing Wyoming one day, one of Mary's oxen suddenly lay down as if poisoned. It appeared the ox would die, and Mary had no spare ox with which to replace him. As the ox began to stiffen, the company captain exclaimed, "He is dead, there is no use working with him, we"ll have to fix up some way to take the Widow [Mary] along. I told her she would be a burden on the company."
Mary said nothing, but she took a bottle of consecrated oil from her wagon and asked her brother, Joseph Fielding, and another man to administer to her ox. "It was a solemn moment there under the open sky. A hush fell over the scene. The men removed their hats. All bowed their heads as Joseph Fielding "¦ laid his hands on the head of the [dying] ox, and prayed over it. The great beast lay stretched out and very still. Its glassy eyes looked nowhere. A moment after the administration the animal stirred. Its huge, hind legs commenced to gather under it. Its haunches started to rise. The forelegs strengthened. The ox stood and, without urging, started off as if nothing had happened." Soon another ox fell ill and was administered to, and it also recovered."(Life of Joseph F. Smith)

Can Priesthood Blessings Be Given To Animals?
Can Priesthood Blessings Be Given To Animals? (Hover)

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Post Date: 26th Jan, 2005 - 3:13am / Post ID: #

Can Priesthood Blessings Be Given To Animals?
A Friend

Animals Given Blessings Priesthood Can

Oooh, what a good question. I found this:

I know of no official counsel from church leaders on this matter. The Church General Handbook states the following: "Brethren should administer to the sick at the request of the sick person or of someone who is vitally concerned so the blessing will be according to their faith (see D&C 24:13-14; 42:43-44, 48-52)." (Just as LDS said)  Animals cannot of course exercise faith the way humans do; but there is the faith of the owner of the pet that should count for something.  Marion G. Romney said:

"Priesthood is power, the power of God, a vital source of eternal strength and energy delegated to men to act in all things for the well-being of mankind, both in the world and out of it (DS 3:80; Romney, p. 43)."

The blessing of a pet might be considered acting "in all things for the well-being" of the owner if they are sincerely concerned and emotionally upset about it.  As you said pioneers used the priesthood to bless sick oxen that they needed to survive the journey as told in the following story:  (Same story posted above by LDS)  I guess if it worked for their oxen it could work for any other animal that is important to a person. If you feel uncomfortable using oil, the blessing could be more in the form of a prayer, calling upon Heavenly father and invoking priesthood power; much the same way a new baby is blessed. Much of what you would do in this sort of situation would depend greatly on inspiration from the Holy Ghost. But I do not think God would be offended, and it can serve as a comfort to the owner of the pet.   Website:

Though this is not an answer coming from someone possessing authority to answer for the Church nor a given fact, I felt satisfied with his opinion, not that I would take it as gospel law or truth, but I would personally accept his advice and decide what to do through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Because it is possible (I couldn't find any specific doctrine) that it hasn't been spoken about by a general authority, I feel that the example of the pioneers giving blessings might be an acceptable example to follow.

I also found this:

...we do believe that all animals were created by our Father in Heaven and that they posses souls. Further we believe that animals existed as spirits, as did humans, before they came to earth. We call this period of time the pre-existence or premortal life.

In Moses 3:5 it states:  'For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth.'

And in the book 'Sacred Truths of the Doctrine and Covenants' we read:
The spirits of animals are in the likeness of their bodies. The spirit is eternal and does not change. The spirit of an elephant looks like an elephant; the spirit of man looks like a man. This is true of all creatures under Heaven. Therefore, the body of the creature cannot change and evolve into something different and still look like its spirit. This principle is simply stated by the Lord that there might not be misunderstandings.  Sacred Truths of the Doctrine and Covenants Vol. II, p. 38


This clarifies for me that since animals are living souls, just as us, that it may be appropriate to administer a blessing where warranted and inspired to do so. I would stop at animals and not consider plant life a viable prospect for a blessing, because only animals and people have living souls, though there is other living matter. I welcome anyone who can teach me if I am incorrect.

Reconcile Edited: dawnofthenew on 26th Jan, 2005 - 3:18am

Post Date: 26th Jan, 2005 - 3:56am / Post ID: #

Can Priesthood Blessings Be Given To Animals?
A Friend

Can Priesthood Blessings Be Given To Animals? Studies Doctrine Mormon

I have given my dog a blessing before. It is true that they cannot demonstrate faith in the blessing because they have no clue what you are doing. But animals are a creation of God and if there is priesthood in the home where they live, I think they are entitled to the blessings of that Priesthood.

26th Jan, 2005 - 1:01pm / Post ID: #

Animals Given Blessings Priesthood Can

I agree that I can't see any reason NOT to use the Priesthood to bless animals. We have the Priesthood to minister to all of God's creatures.

Now, in Mary Smith's time, she desperately needed the oxen in order to make it to Utah. The Captain of the group had continually tried to stop her coming with them. However, she knew that she needed to be in Utah, and she exhibited incredible faith. So, despite the fact that the oxen didn't have faith, her faith was so powerful that there was probably not much in this world that could have stopped her.

Finally, was the blessing given to the oxen to their benefit, or to Mary's?

26th Jan, 2005 - 10:13pm / Post ID: #

Animals Given Blessings Priesthood Can

Finally, was the blessing given to the oxen to their benefit, or to Mary's?

Good question. I think both but mainly Mary's benefit. She needed to make it to Utah and she needed the oxen in order to carry her there. Sometimes when an animal is very ill, probably even dying, I think blessings can bring peace to the pet's owner so even though may be the animal itself may not fully benefit from it, the owner always does.

27th Jan, 2005 - 12:47pm / Post ID: #

Can Priesthood Blessings Be Given To Animals?

Having grown up on dairy farms, I think more of the livestock angle rather than the pets. Having a pet die is a fact of life. It is painful, but not life threatening.

However, if your livelihood (or very life) depends on a single animal (as Mary's did), then it might be vital to have a Priesthood blessing for that animal.

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Post Date: 4th Feb, 2005 - 11:49pm / Post ID: #

Can Priesthood Blessings Be Given To Animals?
A Friend

Can Priesthood Blessings Given Animals

I've seen blessings given to animals - 3 I think :-) The most recent blessing was given to our new baby llama born 3 wks. ago that the mother wouldn't take care of. He was quite ill & we believed he wouldn't make it through the night. He "Nephi" was given a blessing a week & a half ago and he's doing wonderful now!! I'm not so sure I believe that animals can't have faith either. Animals feelings are sometimes based on their owners feelings & if we have faith I believe that they will have faith also. I believe the animals owners who ask for the blessings to be given have to have faith. I'm also sure they need to have faith that the blessing is going to help. I've seen this in action & I do believe the statement "through faith all things are possible." ~ Debbie ~

Post Date: 20th Jul, 2005 - 5:38am / Post ID: #

Can Priesthood Blessings Be Given To Animals?
A Friend

Can Priesthood Blessings Given Animals Mormon Doctrine Studies

LDS_forever you come up with great questions. Many of the brethren that have commented on verses 26-28 in Genesis say that when God gave Adam dominion over all animals that Adam was receiving Priesthood keys. If Adam was to use his Priesthood to "rule (or as President Kimball would have it preside) over" Eve (Genesis 3:16) than why should he not use the Priesthood in his "dominion" over the rest of God's creation. This would certainly foster a more pure love of the sanctity of life.

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