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JenLuvsMp3 - I dont think anyone could become perfect in this life. Doesnt the scriptures say that only Jesus Christ was perfect anyways? |
You would think so, but no. There are many beliefs like this that the devil tries to both make common and unquestionable. The reason is that if people do not believe that they can achieve a particular goal, then they can't. It's like the 4 minute mile, nobody can do it, so nobody does. Even scientists said it was not humanly possible because our bodies are not designed to run that fast. Then the 4 minute mile was broken, and now your not even a valid competitor in the world arena if you can't run less than a 4 minute mile.
In the case of perfection, if you don't think you can, you can. If you think you can't, your are right. There are many who have "been made perfect". For example: Seth the son of Adam, before the atonement.
"Because he (Seth) was a perfect man, and his likeness was the express likeness of his father, insomuch that he seemed to be like unto his father in all things, and could be distinguished from him only by his age." - D&C 107: 43 |
Adam, Seth's father, also was "perfect" prior to dying, along with many, many others. In the scriptures, they do not usually say a person was perfect. In fact, there is no scripture that says Christ was perfect. And if you are looking for a scripture that says Christ was "sinless", you won't find it. The word "sinless" doesn't appear anywhere in scriptures. Now, that being said, Christ was perfect, but not in the way most people would think. And the way most people think of perfection makes it unattainable for everyone, even Christ. This is where Satans lie comes in. If you are looking for the wrong thing, you'll never find the right one or recognize it because it does not come in a form you are looking for. It then becomes "unachievable" for the masses.
For example, most people would think perfect means "complete" or "finished". Christ was perfect before he was completed or finished. In fact, to complicate matters or at least to make the point more clear, the status of "God" can also be achieved in this life. (Which most people do not understand, and others would say we are all Gods already.)
Rather off topic, but... To make this point, I refer both to the Holy Ghost, and the premortal Jesus Christ, (Jehovah), who are both Gods and yet had no body and had not experienced life in the flesh. This lack of progression was not enough to prevent them from being Gods. Also, by reading D&C 76 which speaking of those who make their calling and election sure says, "they are Gods" presently and "they shall have part in the first resurrection" in the future. This should not seem so strange when you consider that Christ was a God as a mortal and a premortal being. |
The progression in this life, or the next goes from Unjust = Telestial, Just = Terrestrial, Just made Perfect = Celestial. Another way of saying it is, No Law = Telestial, Lower law of Justice or Law of Moses or Aaronic Priesthood or Church of Jesus Christ of LDS = Terrestial where Christ Rules, Higher Law of Mercy or Melchizedek Priesthood or General Assembly and Church of the First Born = Celestial.
Those who have their calling and election are considered "just men/women made perfect", hence they qualify for the CK. This is why all the prophets both ancient and modern have told us to seek making our calling and election sure. There are many who have this blessing, (CE & Perfection), today, in fact there are more today than ever before.
I really enjoyed your last post dbackers! There was so much I would love to repeat! Here is a little known concept. When speaking of Christ, the scriptures are referring to the 1) person or 2) the principle of Christ. They are interchangeable. The principle of Christ is Love or Charity. when we read the word Christ you can swap it with the word "Love" and it will open insights not available otherwise. For example:
And if Christ, (LOVE), be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. - Rom. 8: 10 |
Christ the person cannot be in you, but Christ the principle of Love/Charity can be. And as Love of God and Love of all men is what all the law and commandments is based, if we have Love in us, then we will have life because we will be righteous.
As far as this conversation, the scriptures says, "Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him,.... - Moro. 10:32" Applying the principle of Love/Charity to this scripture tells us,
"Yea, come unto Love/Charity, and be perfected in it, and cdeny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Love/Charity; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Love/Charity, ye can in nowise deny the power of God. - Moro. 10:32" |
In truth, this is what the atonement is all about. Teaching us to be Loving and Charitable towards one another. This was also the message of Christ both in his teachings and actions. This same Charity is what made Christ perfect, and those who are "Just" and wish to be made perfect must also become loving until their "bowels of mercy overpower their demands for justice."
"And thus he shall bring salvation to all those who shall believe on his name; this being the intent of this last sacrifice, to bring about the bowels of mercy, which overpowereth justice,..." - Alma 34: 15
Not the bowels of God's mercy, because God is already perfect and merciful, but the bowels of our mercy must overpower our own demands for Justice for us to be made perfect like God. For it was this demand that caused the people in Christ's day to demand "Crucify him" and "Stone the harlot". And it is because of this same Demand for justice that we condemn our neighbors today for having a mote in their eye while we still have a beam logged in our eye preventing us from seeing. - Amonhi
Edited: Amonhi on 2nd Oct, 2007 - 9:28pm