I love big families, maybe not HUGE ones (over 10) but surely I would like seven children. I just need to convince the hubby.
Having said that, parents of large families usually get uncomfortable questions and comments from friends, relatives and sometimes complete strangers. Society in general frown upon large families now days.
What are some of the answers you may want to give if you have a large family of your own and you are tired of the stares, frowns and even rude comments from people. Here are a couple, feel free to add your own.
You have your hands full! Yes, happily so! Don't say anything, just look puzzled at your hands. Are they all yours? No, actually two are the mailman's and I am not sure whose is that one..... No, this is not all of them, my oldest is at home with the triplets. Are you going to have more? We are trying to get into the Genisus Book of World Records of (add whatever here) most kids, largest family living in one house, etc. Well, we do have a twelve passenger van. Are you going to get fixed? Nope, I am not broken! I can't believe how you do it, I cannot even handle my two! Yes, if I had kids like you, I wouldn't have any more either! Yes, you don't strike me as the type who could handle more kids than that. I put knobs on the kids. Makes them easier to handle. Oh, straight jackets and handcuffs! Are you planning to have any more? I've been wondering about this and maybe you can explain it to me: I always thought you had to plan NOT to have more. Before we were married we planned on having 2, but I didn't know that my husband couldn't count! I hope you aren't planning to have anymore?!? You mean, I just figured out what I'm really, really good at, and you're telling me to stop doing it? OK, I won't plan my next one. Surprises can be fun! Yup we are going to keep going till we get an ugly one. How can you afford having so many? Lifestyles are expensive not kids. We're not on welfare, in huge amounts of debt, and no, my husband is not a doctor or lawyer. We just budget well. I am glad it is you and not me! My kids are glad it's me and not you too! Oh me too! I love being a mother! and smile real BIG! |
I've heard comments like these directed towards others. We now have five, and have only heard people thank us that we were bringing in children to a good home to help society. (These people don't know me very well.)
We now have five, and have only heard people thank us that we were bringing in children to a good home to help society. |
I suppose you will hear differently if you was not a lawyer. wink.gif People get so caught in status/professions as to put it as a measuring stick of what could be considered a "good home". |
Good accomplishments Tortdog. Having lived in the US, I still think people judges other based on profession/class status hence my comment that a lawyer would get a more positive look than someone who is struggling to keep a job. Maybe is different in Texas. Right here in Trinidad, MOST people frown upon large families regardless of their financial situation. It is seen as "odd" and "There she goes again with ANOTHER kid". Women here want to live very independent lives and MOST people would frown upon a family of more than three children.
Rather off topic, but... Sadly, that includes members of the Church. |
I think that viewpoint is widely expressed in California. My sister has remarked on the same (she lives there), and she has 6 kids.
The main reason we never returned to California after law school was because we did not want to raise a family in that society. The society had changed so much, that we felt that we no longer belonged. The society's norm was not OUR norm.
In Texas, we feel at home. While there are far less Mormons in Texas than California, there are far MORE people who share our values here. Edited: tortdog on 13th Sep, 2007 - 3:47pm
tordog (These people don't know me very well.) |
My sister has got 4 children, quite close in age, and in the UK where most families have 2 or 3 children it is considered to be a large family.
When I tell people about my nephews and nieces, I hear so often "what's wrong with her, has she never heard of birth control/contraception?"
I can't tell you how often I've heard this, and how rude I find it to be!
My sister is a Mathematician, I tell people she obviously did her sums to the amount that she wanted , it's none of their business anyway. I find the best way is to ignore these ignorant people!