Rude People On The Net

Rude People Net - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 28th Oct, 2004 - 11:26pm

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Post Date: 16th Jun, 2004 - 1:01am / Post ID: #

Rude People On The Net

Peoples, I do not know why some people think that because no one can see what they look like or their true identity that they choose to be as rude as possible. Sometimes you send a simple Email, enter a chat room, or post a message and the result is very hostile. Do you think this is average or do you feel most interactions with other unknown users can be considered 'nice'?

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18th Jun, 2004 - 10:40am / Post ID: #

Net The People Rude

This happens a lot, more especially because of the hundreds of web pages we maintain. Users and potential users send Emails with no 'please' or 'thanks'. The worst are the model applications - I do not know what they are expecting, but seems as though we are supposed to build a web site for them just because they 'look good' rolleyes.gif Here is one that is different - some clients request changes made to things, but they expect it right away and to cost nothing as though you have nothing to do and your time is not worth money.

18th Jun, 2004 - 1:37pm / Post ID: #

Rude People On The Net Gaming Video & Issues Computer

I've had the experience of rude people ever since I first logged on to a chat room in 1992. Those people felt like they OWNED the Internet, and specifically *that chat room*. It took a long time for me to figure out that if I treated them with respect, over time they would accept me into "their" group. And finally, after a while of that, I realized that it wasn't all that important to me anyway. But it goes on still -- if you drop into a chat room that has a lot of "regulars", they will totally ignore you. Then there are others who are intent on only chaos, and will disrupt rooms randomly by spamming and etc.

Email is a whole 'nother animal. I think many people don't realize that their manners are lacking when they send a note to co-workers, and that plain text doesn't show any emotion whatsoever. So it's more important than ever, using plain text, to use that text effectively to express some kind of emotion. And most important to *say* please and thank you. It doesn't come across in plain text, as it sometimes does with face-to-face speech.


Post Date: 18th Jun, 2004 - 5:03pm / Post ID: #

Rude People On The Net
A Friend

Net The People Rude

I tend to stay away from chat rooms, most of the ones I've been in have been so filled with spam robots that we couldn't carry on a conversation. And when a few real humans did enter the room they didn't seem to be interested in talking.

There is a whole lot of disrespect for others on the internet though. A lot of time it's like they don't stop to think about what they are typing. Which is silly because unlike actual speech, you can look over what you type before you submit it.

I guess people just feel more safe to be rude and abusive on the internet. It's a sad commentary that that's how they want to be. It brings to mind the quote "To know what a man is truly like, see how he acts when he thinks no one is watching." Or something to that effect. They think no one is watching, and that's how they act.

19th Jun, 2004 - 1:57pm / Post ID: #

Net The People Rude

I think some people use chat rooms to portrait a personality that in normal days cannot because of different reasons. So they feel that they can say whatever they want and portrait whoever they want without having the risk to show their true identity. A very childish and coward attitude if you ask me.

19th Jun, 2004 - 5:45pm / Post ID: #

Rude People On The Net

I know this kinda changes the subject, but it's realated I promise. I worked at a University in a student services department and whenever students had questions about certain things they'd either come in or call us. We got to know the annoying students right away of course. When they came in, they were very mild with their voices (they were usually mad because of all the hoops they had to jump through) but when they called they would be swearing and calling us all kinds of names. So yeah, I think people on the net are so harsh because we can't see them. Even if you know them by face, because you aren't right in front of them, they let their emotions and manner go unchecked. Also, hasn't anyone ever sent an email rather than called or met someone face to face to discuss something because it's easier to aviod embarrassment or other uncomfortable feelings?

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Post Date: 8th Sep, 2004 - 11:51pm / Post ID: #

Rude People On The Net
A Friend

Rude People The Net

I will say one thing. In online games, people seem to be 100 times more aggitated then usual (which is actually true for some single player games, like some of the old ones from the original Nintendo). Counter-Strike, for instance: I can think of three occasions where the first thing I said got people aggitated, and it was something harmless (but not a newbie remark either. I started playing the game 2 years ago, after all).

This, people, is why I have absolutely no desire to play MMORPGs. For a genre that's meant to focus on chat, that chat would be ruined on me if I ran into so much as a handful of people that are spreading the negativity.

Post Date: 28th Oct, 2004 - 11:26pm / Post ID: #

Rude People On The Net
A Friend

Rude People The Net Computer Issues & Video Gaming

I would tend to agree with most of what has been added to the thread and also put my 2 cents in...laugh.gif I think that a lot of times it is not people being rude, but our perception that could be misleading. It is difficult to express your feelings in words, especially when the person receiving the communication can not see your facial and body expressions. Sometimes a simple joke turns into something extremely ugly. Add to it the racial and cultural differences and you have a possible recipe for disaster.....laugh.gif I try not to take things personally and ask when I am unsure, but sometimes, someone's simple statement or believe just hits a nerve. It is human nature.

I know I kinda rambled off topic, sorry.

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