A team of Japanese scientists have found a gene closely linked to nicotine addiction, which could lead to more effective ways for smokers to kick the habit, a Japanese daily said on Wednesday.
That's good that they may be on to finding help for these people. Apart from the fact that some people may have it in heir genes, I think it's important that people take into account the effect that being exposed to living in a smoking household has on the young and impressionable (this is a separate issue from the health issues), but you do tend to find that most teenagers brought up in a smoking household do often follow the trend. Maybe this is because it's accepted in their household, and doesn't hold the same taboo that it might from another household- I don't know the answer, but I think that researchers should definitely pay attention to the growing increase of young smokers.
This sure evidences that we should NOT carelessly ignore what parents are like when considering the children. So often people suggest that it's irrational to base advise/decisions regarding children (include adult children in this) by looking to their ancestry.
Often times it IS relevant.