As usual... GameMaster cannot be beaten. I also set a new record.
1st GameMaster $11,334,000
2nd Uber $4,422,000
3rd equalvector $629,000
4th Rabidsheep $497,000
5th kris $287,000
6th nerf $160,000
7th jackfair $143,000
8th coma $61,000
9th minigiant $40,000
10th Faulk $40,000
This last game proved that spam does not pay
1st GameMaster $10,596,000
2nd Spameater $1,649,000
3rd Xlrate $922,000
4th ProdigyOfWarfare $400,000
5th jeremy $195,000
6th Kevin $174,000
7th JOZZA $156,000
8th Masterchief7 $143,000
9th RabidSheep $111,000
10th SuperBorg $64,000
Player Worth Credits
1st GameMaster $6,749,000
2nd Drachir $2,201,000
3rd HellHound $629,000
4th cubbin2523 $424,000
5th Daria $359,000
6th ErdemTheKing $171,000
7th Neoma $99,000
8th Wookiechops $91,000
9th puppymainman $90,000
10th Gavin $66,000
Player Worth Credits
1st GameMaster $6,708,000
2nd Daria $2,702,000
3rd drachir $615,000
4th HellHound $457,000
5th Kulka $413,000
6th CorruptDNA $343,000
7th Leoniad $269,000
8th Shawyn $177,000
9th newb $129,000
10th YinYang $100,000
Player Worth Credits
1st GameMaster $4,203,000
2nd Shinjii $548,000
3rd ikillforfun $234,000
4th Steven $190,000
5th WanderingNoob $160,000
6th gronderk $107,000
7th Borin $96,000
8th aradar $70,000
9th crazyben $67,000
10th Bentley $40,000
Player Worth Credits
1st GameMaster $12,279,000
2nd Armyknight $437,000
3rd dave $279,000
4th Alissma $176,000
5th Solo $116,000
6th tokahum $47,000
7th MouthRat $40,000
8th Resahil $40,000
9th marcus $0
10th Vonran $0