Hello! My name is Malachia and I stumbled on this site when looking for medieval rp's to participate in.
I am hoping to be involved in an active community that will help facilitate my RP'ing and writing skills, and I am excited to be here! I am from the US, have been writing for quite some time, and tend to be fairly active in my posting. Thank you in advance and I look forward top speaking to you all on the boards!
We could REALLY use you in an ongoing adventure. We need some more numbers, and one more person would be a huge help.
Thirty constructive posts. Ok, I've read over quite a few threads but I still have a question. First, I do not see that many topic to which I can actually constructively post to. Are ALL topics open? Also- who keeps track of which of my posts are constructive and which are filler? is there someone specific I should be speaking to?
This of course is not an "official" response, but let me try to answer.
The 30 post requirement is to make sure you are willing to put forth some effort to make it worth the GM's time. (I am sure you can imagine the time required to manage the game.) So my suggestion is to find an area that interests you and look at the latest topics. Read the first post to see what the topic is about, the responses, and then post your opinion.
It doesn't have to be LONG (I personally prefer pithy). But it should be something real and not merely fluff. This place has topics on about everything, including Britney Spears' latest gaff, the President's talk on Iraq, every religion out there, gardening, RPGs, you name it.
If you want to tell me some of your interests, I'd be willing to point you to some potential discussions. Just make sure you spell check before you post, and that you stay on topic.
Let me know how I can help.
QUOTE (Malachia) |
First, I do not see that many topic to which I can actually constructively post to. |