Page 2 Introduction AlaskanLDS
DONE! Thanks for the clarification,
JB. I truly appreciate it.
A couple more of questions please? 1) Will my NephiRPG send me a reply status when it is ready for me to go to Chapter 2? I am not clear on if this is something you are checking into for my status only or if others are also having problems with it letting them move forward? At this point I just try to see if it works when I log in.
What is the easiest way to
find a thread on a subject, within the LDS area?
For instance, I have been really interested in symbolism and patterns in the scriptures and have had some information recently in class lectures at BYU Education week last month. I would like to further that study and read what other people have learned. The other topic I am looking specifically for is the Fascimilies of Abraham and ideas on that.
Also, (Anyone sorry that they said I could ask questions yet?
IF there is not a thread on that--I am a little nervous to start my own thread because I am really NOT an intellectual person per se, although I love to learn and study. So I don't know if I would know how to actually word it correctly or all that kind of thing--is there a good way besides good grammar, spelling and things of that nature? I guess I just am a little nervous--it seems as if a number of you have been here for quite a while and know what your doing and each other. I think if we were face to face I would be astounded and probably lost on some things. This forum gives me time to READ and understand before I reply, I am not one to jump into an intellectual conversation and do well. Although my friend is, and I invited her here today!
Last, but definitely not least! I wanted to post a congratulations or Happy Anniversary thing to LDS_Forever as I noticed she was baptised 10 years ago today. Is there a place to do that--do I just click on her email button? And in that note, if I would of noticed
JB's a day earlier I would of liked to send him one too. Just curious as I thought it was cool that I read the
stats on their control thing.
Thanks and have a great day! It is sunny for one of the last times here in Alaska before winter hits us!