User Amonhi, thank you for your Donation, your membership has been upgraded to Premium and the relevant FP and Gil has been deposited into your account. Now a whole new world awaits you within the Community. For further help you may contact the Architect directly.
For now, I feel it is very important to not get out too much information about myself. There are a number of reasons for this. One is that I don't want to be noticed or recognized in real life. It limits opportunity and the power to influence unseen, and any influence I might have would be merely blind following rather than the independence of God.
1 - I prefer not to say specifics which might hint at who I and my wife are.
2 - As you can understand, to meet the goals above, I will decline. I am concerned that posting my picture would result in others recognizing me. (Surprisingly profound logic, don't you think. hehehe)
3 - She reads now and again and has various comments which I encourage her to put in. As of yet she has only participated from the sidelines. (She has never been really into forums.) She also is not nearly as wordy or revealing as myself. I often roll my eyes at her comments and say, "Why are you hiding so much? Tell it like it really is... Share honey, Share!"
That being said, we are a powerful team. I can bring up a spiritual conversation in any circumstance with anyone, she doesn't like to. But when we are on a spiritual subject, she has a very powerful spirit which others are able to feel more so than mine. This is largely because I connect points and explain in detail like a class focusing on persuasion and logic. She just jumps to the point. People tell me, "Wow! That is interesting and I understand what your saying and why, but I am not sure about it." People tell her, "I don't understand how that can be, but I know it is true, I can't deny it because the spirit is so strong."
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