Your last post Calling And Election Made Sure was deleted for not being constructive, based on the following:
1. Stay on the topic, see our Constructive Posting Policy
6. You are posting to content / information / images that are not in keeping with the standards of this Community.
Posts must be made by Users to whom accounts belong following the rules mentioned below:
Please review our: Constructive Posting Policy.
I can understand the fact that you like to keep your identity safe. I for one am that way to a point too. I do not mind having my picture up as I am not worried if some one recognizes me. In fact if it is a person from this forum I would glady sit down and share a drink or two with them.
I am a private person but I find it refreshing at times to open up a bit to those who I feel comfortable with.
Your last post The Prophet Said So... was deleted for not being constructive, based on the following:
1. Stay on the topic, see our Constructive Posting Policy
3. Do not post just off topic messages or lengthy quotes, only Bots may do this, Members must add input.
Additionally the Architect has required that you answer this Thread before continuing: Source 2
Please review our: Constructive Posting Policy.
Your infiltration of the Community under false pretenses cannot be tolerated - Deleted.