*chuckles* Klar I think you are perhaps better at making wise choices and adapting to hard circumstances, but Beowolf seems to be the better liked for our group. Myself being the least preferred by others.
*Turns to Beowolf* If you would be so kind I think it be best if you approach the home. Be sure to leave your weapons here, and have your face viable. The rest of us will be on watch and dismounted...if trouble breaks head back we will watch the out buildings and such.
Klar I mean no disrespect in this just not wish to be a pin cushion.
Why am I better liked? I have a soul rating of 7 and Klar has 10 so hes going to get a better response than I am. Klar also has 10 mind. Let him go. Klar I'm just messing with you as I don't think you're going to get any arrows.