[camp] Protect Meh Sheep - Page 21 of 64

QUOTE (Beowolf @ 20-Feb 08, 4:18 PM) Hey I - Page 21 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 20th Feb, 2008 - 8:48pm

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20th Feb, 2008 - 5:14pm / Post ID: #

[camp] Protect Meh Sheep - Page 21

OOC: Great post Kraky, I agree with everything. smile.gif No changes for me.

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Post Date: 20th Feb, 2008 - 6:15pm / Post ID: #

[camp] Protect Meh Sheep
A Friend

Sheep Meh Protect camp

It all sounds good to me too. Post it as you can and we will see if we get a better response.

20th Feb, 2008 - 6:29pm / Post ID: #

[camp] Protect Meh Sheep RPG PBP Medieval World

Daphne has like the worst reputation though?

I need to ask about this reputation thing cause it doesnt make sense.

I tried to post just now but it says I have to wait so here is the update,

All fixed! The gm just said he would update the reputation. That will mean that Klar is the guy to talk and we need to stay silent!

Reconcile Edited: Beowolf on 20th Feb, 2008 - 6:59pm

20th Feb, 2008 - 7:03pm / Post ID: #

Page 21 Sheep Meh Protect camp

Beowolf I will update the post so that Klar is now our spokes person. Daphne is so low because she has made some trips to the south and has not returned victorious. Same as Kalfie.

20th Feb, 2008 - 7:09pm / Post ID: #

Sheep Meh Protect camp

Hey thanks krakyn I think if he goes there may be a different response but he is tagging with me so who knows, anyway glad thats all cleared up. Now I'm going to try and get passed the speed test in the matrix rpg.

Post Date: 20th Feb, 2008 - 7:25pm / Post ID: #

[camp] Protect Meh Sheep
A Friend

[camp] Protect Meh Sheep

Ok Daphne should go inside and talk with the old man. She should make sure she has her weapons as to protect herself if set upon while she is inside. She should tell the old man that her friends are now going to check the fence line to see what repairs if any are needed to help assist us in our quest of helping get rid of the creature(s) that are causing trouble to their flocks and livelihood.

Hopefully she will have them more relaxed and more willing to accept us when we return from checking the fence lines.

Reconcile Edited: KNtoran on 20th Feb, 2008 - 7:30pm

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20th Feb, 2008 - 8:18pm / Post ID: #

[camp] Protect Meh Sheep - Page 21

Hey I thought that wew were going to do that we were going to do that?

20th Feb, 2008 - 8:48pm / Post ID: #

[camp] Protect Meh Sheep World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 21

QUOTE (Beowolf @ 20-Feb 08, 4:18 PM)
Hey I thought that wew were going to do that we were going to do that?

OOC: Beo, do you take a few drinks before posting or what? laugh.gif j/k What exactly are you trying to say?

Daphne's reputation is very low, yet the old man decided to open the door to her and not to the others. Hmmm...what to do, what to do?

So what is the wisest course of action? Daphne or Klar speaking? Maybe Klar can enter the house with Daphne and do the talking?

> TOPIC: [camp] Protect Meh Sheep


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