I am still on the fence with sophia. SHe may be a lonely girl with it just being her and her dad here. Having someone take interest in her when she figured she would be lonely can be just a passing phase. We will have to keep a watch on her and beowulf to see they are not alone too long together.
OK I agree 10 foot wide 10 foot deep? Man I hope you are a great digger me back hurts thinking about it. Meat I am hoping we snare something to use if not perhaps I can use a couple live chickens from the farmer. Catch the blood and let them wolves get a real good smell by pouring it over the chickens.
But if that all only took to 1 pm then Daphne lets mount up.
Ride out track out 3 hours give one hour to ride back and 45 minutes to check some of the rabbit snares. If no luck them we are back by 6:00 kill two chickens and mount them. Tell the farmer I will pay for them and he can have the rabbits that we catch in return for the inconvenience. I fear a rabbit will be caught and the wolves will have at it around dusk. Perhaps two of us could inspect the snares again around
Kalfie and Daphne head out ride a loop around the snares that were set and track the wolves till 4:00 pm. At that time the head back and Kalfie checks the rabbit snares, any that have tripped will be fixed. If time is still available some rabbit snares will be set to the east side of the farm.
If any are caught they will be used to bait the pits. Other wise Klar will negotiate the price on three chickens for which Kalfie will pay the farmer and they will be used for bait.
end post....
Should we add something about Beowolf being locked up in the tool shed and Sophia told to cook dinner? I like Daphne think this relation is going to cause issues.
Not 10' deep only 5' deep they are 10' on each side. Therefore wide enough to trap a wolf. THe stakes are to kill it so it does not just get back up and flee.
Yes chickens will do. We can use the blood to remove some of our scent from around the traps. This will assist in the wolves falling into the traps. We may even get two in a trap if lucky.
Yes scout out south to see if you can find their lair.
I doubt we can get Sophia to assist us in any way.
I hope you can roll low once and then high on the 100 rolls so we can catch some nice rabbits. IF you catch enough we can have some rabbit stew. I am sure that would be nice addition to our diets. Plus we would be contributing to the food stores and not totally sponging off this poor farmer.