Ok So here I will try this one Beowolf checks in and LDS if she has the time.
With the fake camp set Kalfie looks about for suitable places for rabbit snares, a bit further away. If suitable places found he will set some traps and head back to the fake camp. Taking no more than 30 minutes to complete.
While he is doing this the rest find suitable perches in the area out side of the camp site fire light. The perches will be taken such that no one is shoot directly at the other and are outside of the camp fire light. But will see and be able to shoot any that approach the site. Kalfie will do the same upon return.
The horses will be secured so as not to be easily stolen and any who try can be shot at safely by two bow persons. Beowolf will be station so that he can jump down and interfere with any thieves who try that. If he drops to the ground they will give a sharp wistle to let the rest know.
The watch will be kept till ?? when the group will head back to the farm and rest.
end post
Let us rest after we take down the camp. I will also set more snares up further away from the farm for rabbits. Just like to help with meat for the dinners.
Now the real question is this. Do we just stay put till they returns or start scouring the country side for signs of activity. Not too far south though.