Bush vs Hitler - Page 2 of 2

Yes the Canadian government is no better in - Page 2 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 3rd Oct, 2007 - 8:02pm

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2nd Oct, 2007 - 6:03pm / Post ID: #

Bush vs Hitler - Page 2


He stated he has a war on Terrorism but yet no victory yet, nor control over his end goal that he proclaimed. I do not think he has plans of getting rid of it so much as having it in his control. In essence that could end up being one and the same.

I am trying to figure out your comparison to Hitler.

Are you saying that because George Bush has not won the War against islamofacists (No western power has) he is not as an effective leader as Adolf Hitler who apparently "won" his war against the Jewish people? I still do not know what you believe president Bush's "Goal" is. Please elucidate so that I can know how we are comparing him to Hitler.


I just think too many are blindly following Bush and the USA.

Just because I and others may agree with George Bush that their is a danger from islamacists does not mean we blindly follow him. I have plenty of disagreements with President Bush on many things. Saying that thinking people may support a U.S. President on certain things cannot necessarily be construed as blind faith. Furthermore, comparing him to Hitler by people on the left in any way just marginalizes the true atrocities of Hitler.

Rather off topic, but...

I am amazed at the Hate some of the world has for President Bush. I just wish they could cite specific examples of his wrongdoings without bringing up Hitler.

International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 109 ActivistPoliticianPolitician 10.9%

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3rd Oct, 2007 - 2:59pm / Post ID: #

Hitler Bush

For me I compare the two in that I am less assured then you that Bush is not set on world dominance.. Paranoid perhaps. Not in the same way as Hitler who wanted to kill all non German. But through self appointed political leaders...again I fight on that with it being just he whats to eliminate dangers or trying to dominate.

Why do others compare the two I can not answer but look at the US Patriot Act I think it give too many a scare and rightly so. Privacy is now gone.

Now I guess I feel different on what the word respect means. I can hate and despise some one but still respect aspects of the personality and behavior. I just think I found in Hitler more things I respected then with Bush. But I hate what Hitler did more then any thing Bush has done so far. I know for many this is a conflict in logistics but I do think very different from most people when it comes to concepts. That alone caused me more grief then you can imagine till I hit College were free thinking was more tolerated.

I am trying not to delve into other issues that there are already boards on.

I guess the biggest issue I have with Bush is he is busy in every country but his own. Has he done any thing to increase the American Dollar? Has he given the States affordable cars to get to work, or affordable homes? Are groceries available to all who are in need? As a leader I think these should be on the top of the list. I call it looking after your people. Hitler did that first then he should have stopped but because he was an extremist he brought complete annihilate to his people in the end. I think Bush will be bringing the States into some very hard times unless he acts fast to stop the decaying housing market and stabilize the Dollar. (Dollar value is a tough one because a weaker dollar could actually help as long as it does not fall to fast and cause huge interest rates to arise.)

I think the real issue here is the way Hitler annihilate the Jews and Black yes you hear little of people talking about the atrocities that he inflicted in Africa. But Hitler realized to free his country of Jews he had to isolate and decimate them. Good tactic but the morality of it from our perspective is an atrocity.

To win this war against islamofacists Bush needs to get to know and understand his opponets culture a bit better. He is making the same mistakes that were fist made in WWII against Japan and in Korea. I question if Bush has studied and fully understood how the enemy thinks and how deep the culture teachings are set in the hearts of his enemy. I know he has studies on it as I am sure he is not that stupid, but I do not think he fully comprehended what he read.

From what I understand we have 1 soldier for every 1000 citizens in this war on terrorism, with these states it will never be done. One soldier to every 50 citizens you have a good ground standing and then can bring the foe to the table for a surrender and negotiate a new order of power and bring criminals to answer for their actions.

Rather off topic, but...

Why do so many people feel hate or perhaps despise Bush? I think because he bought his way into presidency or at least it sure can be perceived that way given how many times votes were recounted and how the numbers changed from count to count. I also think many question why there is military personal dieing each day in a war they are not going to win. Perhaps a thread on this exists if not might be a good topic starter. Since you asked dbackers perhaps you might like to start one. Then you might get the answer you seek.

Reconcile Message Edited...
JB: Krakyn, check over your tags - fixed offtopic for you.

International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 ActivistPoliticianSenior Politician 18.8%

3rd Oct, 2007 - 5:39pm / Post ID: #

Bush vs Hitler History & Civil Business Politics


For me I compare the two in that I am less assured then you that Bush is not set on world dominance..

You give this man too much credit. There is a Presidential election in 398 days and the "Hated" George W Bush will be gone in January 20, 2009 (that's 475 days). Unless you think he is going to attempt a coup, the U.S. will probably have Hillary Clinton (not my choice). She will probably follow the same course as the George Bush with some small changes.

George Bush is an average President . He does not have the will to fight this War as President Franklin Roosevelt fought WW2 (2 million prisoners of War that had no counsel, execution of German Spies without a trial) and does not have the Clarity of President Ronald Reagan. He is weak in that he did not Carpet Bomb Falujah when they executed civilian Contractors and kidnapped and Beheaded U.S. Soldiers. He is not fighting this War as Viciously as it should be fought(If a war is to be fought then it should be fought to win). But he cannot be compared to Hitler.

Privacy is now gone.

Hitler executed people that disagreed with him.
Bush does nothing to law abiding citizen who dissent in the streets and on the airwaves. In fact we hear everyday from people who call Bush Hitler. They have been doing it for 6 years and they are still doing it.
I do not think Hitler would have been so tolerant of free speech.
As to privacy being gone, yes, if someone is going to have corespondents with known terrorists then the U.S. may be listening in. I support that.
Canada is also doing much of the same thing.
From Terror Arrests Reveal Reach of Canada's Surveillance Powers by Anthony Depalma

The Canadian Security and Intelligence Service, the agency created to handle terrorist surveillance, is permitted to conduct electronic surveillance of Canadians, including wiretaps, intercepting mail and covert searches, after obtaining a warrant from a judge....Rather than being restricted to intercepting the calls and e-mail of a specific person or group, the agency is allowed under law to broadly monitor "activities" with possible terrorist implications.

The Western World is at war with Islamic terrorist, and it is not George Bush's fault (As we have been dealing with the threat for decades). The Western world Fought WW2 and it was largely Adolf Hitler's Fault.

Rather off topic, but...

"College were free thinking was more tolerated."
In my opinion College is the most intolerant place for the free flow of ideas. If you say something that the Professor disagrees with then you are faced with the real possibility of receiving a lower grade. The President of Iran is given a free forum, but anyone who has any conservative ideals is booed off the stage or restricted from campus entirely.

International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 109 ActivistPoliticianPolitician 10.9%

3rd Oct, 2007 - 8:02pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Hitler Bush

Yes the Canadian government is no better in some instances then the USA. Yes WWII was Hitlers fault and Canada had little choice but to defend her mother country. Which I am glad to say we did do a good job of(With aid few friends of course.).

Though it seems I will never agree with you in this I do greatly appreciate the points you have made. I just hope that I am completely in my expectations of the future. I notice the new thread you started today great topic.

International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 ActivistPoliticianSenior Politician 18.8%

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