Returned Missionaries In "Sexy" Calendars
It seems like the guy who got the idea got a lot of support and at the same time a lot of criticism. What is your position?
It was just a little sexy this week when Mormon presidential candidate Mitt Romney stood up in his power suit in San Francisco and blasted Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to New York.Oh, how forceful! And from such a pillar of a peace-loving religion. Romney's not all the Mormons have cooking these days. Twelve new calendar boys are baring their bods and declaring their love for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Meet the poster boys for missionary style in their steamy new calendar, "Mormons Exposed." Members of the religion are forbidden to drink alcohol, coffee or tea, smoke cigarettes or have premarital sex. Each year, 50,000 young Mormons go on two-year missions to Third World countries around the globe to help feed the poor and teach people about Mormonism. Each of the 12 men featured in the sexy calendar has recently returned from a mission, and calendar creator Chad Hardy, a sixth-generation member of the Mormon Church, hopes that by baring their beefy physiques the young gents will help dispel the uptight image that many have of the Mormon faith. "What a great way to show the world that Mormons aren't these stuffy, puritanical people," Hardy said. "It's a way to showcase the different side of the Mormon male, and a lot of people think it is a great way to create a dialogue between different religions.... |
"Yeah, some people have told us we deserve to be excommunicated and that we are going to hell and aren't properly representing Mormons, but a lot of people have been really supportive, too," Hardy maintains. |
"Immodest clothing includes short shorts and skirts, tight clothing, shirts that do not cover the stomach, and other revealing attire. Young women should wear clothing that covers the shoulder and avoid clothing that is low-cut in the front or the back or revealing in any other manner. Young men should also maintain modesty in their appearance. All should avoid extremes in clothing, appearance, and hairstyle. Always be neat and clean and avoid being sloppy or inappropriately casual in dress, grooming, and manners. Ask yourself, "Would I feel comfortable with my appearance if I were in the Lord's presence?" "For the Strength of Youth (pamphlet, 2001), 14-16. |
Hardy has begun casting for the 2009 calendar, and says that a women's version is in the works. "We"re discussing a fun angle for the women's calendar," he says mischievously. "It definitely won't be what you"d expect." |
I would have to see the full Calendar to make a correct judgement on this, but one question does come up:
How does this differ from Miss 'x', who is an LDS Member, and who parades her body on stage in a bathing suit and be praised by LDS Members? We have a Thread on that somewhere.
Or, how does this differ from an RM that decides he is going to be a model as a career? Or are we saying that any form of modeling in this regard is wrong and against Church standards? If so, the Osmands have a lot to retract?
JB, you can see most of the calendar pictures at this link:
I saw most of the pics and are just shirtless guys to me who are portrait as "hot" along with their pictures as missionaries. Maybe there lies the issue. No different from any other male model these days.
Part of the sales are going to be donated to the areas where these missionaries have served.
Ah, well seeing it now then I would have to say that I disagree with this. I thought it was just them as models and they happen to be also RMs, BUT to actually display them when they were missionaries together with their current model picture is not appropriate in my opinion. I feel strongly about this having served a Mission myself and knowing the sacredness associated with it.
Yes, that's the ONLY part I found odd. They could have just show the guys alone but along with the missionary pics make the thing look kind of "cheap". Nevertheless, if it was just the guys alone I do not see anything wrong with it.
I would be interested in knowing what they are planning to do with the female version.
Wait, a female version? Now that is really pushing it. Consider all the people that were converted partly by these people, how is it going to affect their testimonies? I wonder if these RMs have considered that?
QUOTE (LDS_forever) |
...missionary pics make the thing look kind of "cheap". |
Yes, a female version:
"We"re discussing a fun angle for the women's calendar," he says mischievously. "It definitely won't be what you"d expect." |
Consider all the people that were converted partly by these people, how is it going to affect their testimonies? I wonder if these RMs have considered that? |