People in Trinidad and Tobago will never vote for COP as their only choice since they are relatively new and no one believes in them. They may win a few seats and that is all. UNC, I have mixed reviews on this party because I know people who are faithful Panday followers, in spite of the fact that, the man is currently answering to the integrity commission, for not disclosing his monies in a London bank account. I strongly believe that PNM will win since people seem to have a history of voting exclusively for PNM. I suspect Trinidadians and Tobagonians are very resistant to change and perhaps this is the main reason why they will vote for PNM.
I wasn't surprised at all by the results of the Elections. People have spoken through vote the kind of Government they wish to lead them. Yes, roti and rum politics is what most of the population just adores.
What the population of Trinidad and Tobago say "yes" to yesterday:
1. An unbelievable and out of control crime situation, because "we like it so".
2. A rising inflation with food items raising by whole dollars on a daily basis, because "we like it so".
3. Huge buildings being constructed in town and yet people living in shacks without basic utilities and homeless folks surrounding us, because "we like it so".
4. A Prime Minister spending millions of dollars in parties and mansions instead to invest in the needs of the people of this country, because "we like it so".
The list goes on...the people have decided and I am not surprised in the least. Enough to see the mentality that surround us of laid-back individuals who just "talk" and "complain" and then say they will vote for the same party because they were born "PNM/UNC and they will die PNM/UNC". Ignorance to the max. Of course, whoever made the bigger fete and had the best rum to drink also decided this Election.
In few words and blow me if you do not like it, a Banana Republic.
Can't wait to get out of here, this primitive mentality is driving me nuts.
As Napoleon wisely said "Every country has the Government that its deserves" and without a doubt, this is the kind of Government the people in Trinidad and Tobago deserves.
PNM results were expected. I am surprised that the COP got nothing. Even Dookeran could not keep his own seat. The PNM has one advantage over the other parties - they keep the CEPEP and URP workers 'happy' and they go and vote for the PNM. However, the other citizens who actually speak out are not part of the majority vote unfortunately.
I could not have said it better myself. A letter to the editor in the Express:
When I got up on the morning of November 6 and saw the final results of our election I cringed with horror. It would appear that once again our beloved T&T has been betrayed by the majority of its voting population. Once again the populace has voted for bad administration, thievery, corruption, drug trafficking, murder, mayhem, not to mention the state of the judicial system. Once again poor, sick people will be lying on the floors of our hospitals awaiting treatment while our Prime Minister and his fellow Ministers are in the PM's castle drinking champagne, reading about murder and rape and laughing at the voters and saying, "we shall do it again in five years.'' The people of a country get the government that they deserve. Even so, our people deserve better but do not seem to want it and refuse every opportunity for change. So there we are; leave them lying in the streets in the filth that they have created. Â David L Martin Maraval |
All the bachannal finish so Manning say we need to love up each other. I think Panday has other plans though.