I was just looking at my little girl going for ballet lessons, as she is really desperate to learn.
Unfortunately as she has special needs, I'm not finding it too easy to find anyone to take her on and keep her in the lessons (but in the meantime, whilst trying out all these dance schools, I'm learning a lot)
For instance- there are loads of classes out there with teachers over the age of 70!
I've come to the conclusion that the most tolerant teachers are the younger teachers with very small classes!
Anybody else out there who has done/tried ballet?
What are your thoughts on how good it is for children to take part in this type of dancing?
We have found another ballet school that is taking her on as a trial on Saturday, so we'll see...
That's funny Clara! Sounds like your Mum had a battle on her hands
My little girl went to the ballet school yesterday, and this one has agreed to keep her on!
I'm hoping that she'll learn some balance and gracefulness through it, but if nothing else she's going to learn some French words whilst enjoying herself!