We added some new smiles that you can use to rate stuff. If you want to say a movie is great then you can use this star: if the rating was okay. Of course if it was really bad then you do not need to show any stars.
Here is a rating formula you can use if you like, it is totally optional: great
2 blue stars - fantastic
3 blue stars - out of this world
You can also rate this by:
1. Originality
2. Acting
3. Music
4. Action
5. Costumes
6. Effects
7. Storyline
8. Special Effects
Movie & TV Series Reviews Board Update
I have added links to the most popular TV series at the top of this Board. It will immediately take you to the latest Post within that Thread. Hopefully we will be able to document each Episode. If you have seen it please give your review.
What if we feel a movie actually wasn't very good, and thus can't really put to use the above as readily? For example, there are a fair few DC movies I have strong feelings and frustrations about that I do not see myself giving a high rating for.