Following your first initial reaction to the Community after joining what was it that made you decide to stay and even become an active participant?
I stayed for a couple of reasons: First, because I really enjoy giving my opinion about everything (I'm an insufferable know-it-all); and second, because I've enjoyed the interaction with other members of the community, the feeling of "family" that is here. And on top of all that, there is no spamming, no pop-up ads, no tolerance for predators or thugs or saboteurs, and the stringent requirements for posting benefit the whole community.
I love it here!
., this answer is going to tickle some people I'm sure. If you cant tell, I love to debate and often do debate on many different forums. Most of the time I debate for a little bit and someone gives up and stops giving point and counter point in the discussion. This is either because they are uneducated in the subject to begin with, or because they didn't really come to discuss the issue, but rather to state their opinion only. My first big issue I jumped into was Same Sex Marriage. I stated a strong opinion on the matter and expected to have very few responses actually posted TOWARDS me. However, a certain someone not only posted in opposition to my stance, but struck back counter point with valid arguments for his own point of view while present valid points in opposition to mine. This actually went on for a while, over a month or more. When the issue finally died down in the press, it died down in the forum. What was left was an excellent point and counter point of two opposing sides. I gained so much respect for this forum and the regulars that post here, that I decided to donate to the place and stick around for a bit! Not many people actually stay on me when they oppose my point of view. Its fun, and it happens all the time here, no one lets me get away with an outrageous point of view with out calling me out on it to explain the problems with my view. Its always done in an adult fashion with out childish arguing and insulting, best place on the web to truly discuss important issues.
I initially joined here to read about current issues with Trinidad and Tobago because I was getting ready to travel there. Fortunately, I got a grasp of what to expect and it was exactly what I was looking for. What I didn't want was some digitally enhanced vision of what an island in the Caribbean is supposed to be like.. I got the straight up facts. Since I've returned from my trip, I hope I can share with some others my experience as an outsider.
I plan on staying around (probably at a peepers level) because I enjoy the forums. Most of the topics are stimulating and it's interesting to see what others think and not be subject to spam and all sorts of ridiculous things.
FarSeer, you have been here a long time, what a valuable asset you have become in the Community and if I were to read your first intro now I would say 'this one is not likely to stay', so you have made me a believer.
Konquererz, actually I did notice your zeal for that topic, but I am surprised that it was the actual thread that enticed you to stay - however I may have caught up on that since I gave you a unique title within the Rave section from early o'clock.
ReneeTpaUSA that is xeactly what the Trinidad & Tobago Board is supposed to do and I am glad you saw that as many others think we are just picking on Trinidad, but in reality the threads in there speak the deadly truth. I am glad it was a means of you staying here.
I joined for the Medieval RPG. I have never played forum based RPGs so I was kind of curious. In the first weeks I couldn't join the game, because a game was already in progress, so I started to read and post in order to maintain my activity level over 75%. If you read my first few posts you'll notice that they were wrote with a single goal: to add new posts at my post count. I had a somehow frustrating period and I tell you the truth I was thinking about deleting my account. Then I realized that I like to read the various topics, I started to enjoy posting and I stoped thinking about the RPG as much for a period. Then the RPG started, but I was already addicted to the discussions and so I'm here. Posting and RPGing.
Raul, actually I am surprised that you stayed, (look at you now, even Premium Plus too) because I too thought you were going to delete your account because your frustrations were evident in some of the posts. I think a lot of new members experience this, but I am not sure what to do about it, any suggestions?
Note: To combat the constant waiting to join Medieval I have recently initiated Medieval Extension (Group 2) so that it is more likely for a game to be open to new players.
actually I am surprised that you stayed |
any suggestions? |