Rainbow Recreation Club Robbed - Bandit Killed

- Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 16th Apr, 2015 - 2:56pm

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22nd Mar, 2015 - 9:24pm / Post ID: #

Rainbow Recreation Club Robbed - Bandit Killed

Rainbow Recreation Club Robbed - Bandit Killed

In this case there were several bars being targeted in the area and despite the family business having video surveillance 3 gun wielding men entered and started robbing patrons. Cameras are not a deterrent for the criminal element - they don't even bother to wear masks most of the time. In this case the owner had a gun and shot one of the bandits that later died. Now the family, who are most likely traumatized by this, will wonder if there will be any acts of revenge for this. Lawlessness in Trinidad & Tobago is at a peak and does not seem to be improving despite police statistics saying otherwise.

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26th Mar, 2015 - 1:22pm / Post ID: #

Killed Bandit Robbed Club Recreation Rainbow

These bars need to have some kind of push button to armed security so when things like this happen they can have the kind of instant backup they need.

16th Apr, 2015 - 2:56pm / Post ID: #

Rainbow Recreation Club Robbed - Bandit Killed Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

I feel more business owners need access to guns for protection. That will also make bandits think twice about trying to rob.

> TOPIC: Rainbow Recreation Club Robbed - Bandit Killed


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