Sol, do you want to know if its a boy or girl when the time comes or are you going to wait and be surprised? I love the name JB chose for a girl and Seth sounds good to me.
Yes, of course I want to know! I am a very curious person and I will be literally eating my nails if I have to wait for nine months and be surprised, not me!
I love Hannah Nathalia as well, I hope JB takes that into consideration if is a boy to name him Seth.
Hate to say it but the odds of a boy is greater but 6 percent or so as you have two boys now. Every boy here after will drop the odds of a girl by a few percentage points. Yet you only have a 9% chance of having 4 children and all of them being male. Go figure that one out. So I say a girl. As far as that ultra sound it tells me little beside it will have a head and body.
We will know for sure in two weeks, so far all out ultra sound doctor predictions have been right, so we are keeping with that flow and my guess that it will be a boy, LDS_forever is going with a girl - we will see who is more in tune soon.
Well, this Saturday is the big day. We will have the ultrasound that will check for birth defects, etc as well as the sex of the baby. I just read that drinking fruit juices a little time before the ultrasound would assure the baby is moving and not crossing his/her legs during the ultrasound, so I will make sure to get a fruit drink on my way there, I am determined to find out if is a boy or a girl on Saturday! JB and Felipe both say it's a boy, I feel it's a girl because of how different this pregnancy is BUT I am not 100% sure. I would really love another boy but I will be quite happy with just a beautiful healthy baby.
Well, we went for the ultrasound today and the baby is healthy and everything seem to be going great. They said it's a GIRL! Now, the guy doing it did not sound very sure (that's the impression we got) because of the position of the baby, but then minutes later he said he is 95% sure it's a girl. That's my gut as well but since I am getting another ultrasound at 32 weeks (I am 20 weeks right now) I will ask the doctor again to make sure.
We will have to get clothes, etc when the time is near because after two boys, we have plenty clothes for boys but none for girls. I was thinking in a couple of great things on having a girl:
1. We do not have to worry about circumcision.
2. A change after two boys.
3. I will not be the only female in the house!
4. Maybe may help the boys to learn how to treat girls by being gentle, etc.
5. I can dress her up like a little doll with cute dresses, hair, etc.
It seems like the poll and your votes were right.