Anyone Stuck On Any Games?

Anyone Stuck Games - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 29th Nov, 2003 - 3:59pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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I try to find information for the game!
Post Date: 25th Nov, 2003 - 9:11am / Post ID: #

Anyone Stuck On Any Games?
A Friend

Anyone Stuck On Any Games?

You know what its like, you get stuck on a game and don't know what to do unsure.gif. Ask me about any game and I'll get you the information for you and post it on the forum so everyone else can use it, so that should put a smile on your face. biggrin.gif . Trust me half of the cheats, tips and walkthroughs have helped me and will continue to. Do you want to say to your friend I'm ace at this game. cool.gif well now you can just ask tongue.gif .

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Post Date: 25th Nov, 2003 - 7:59pm / Post ID: #

Anyone Stuck On Any Games?
A Friend

Games On Stuck Anyone

That is a pretty cool idea, UKGamingmaster. cool.gif I think maybe they could post in this thread about what game they are having a problem with then you could possibly open a thread with the cheats and walkthrus to it. wink.gif

You might want to surf thru some of the game review threads on this board also if you like and if you see one or two that you know cheats and hints to, please feel free to add them to those threads. wink.gif

Post Date: 26th Nov, 2003 - 9:03am / Post ID: #

Anyone Stuck On Any Games?
A Friend

Anyone Stuck On Any Games? Gaming Video & Issues Computer

Thanks msslmshdy30, I looked at the 'Big Mutha Truckers' posts and I actual know some hints and cheats for it biggrin.gif .

Unlock Extra Rig
Play the 60 day version of "Trial By Truckin'" and win the race to Big Mutha Trucking HQ to unlock your new rig!


Bottomless Cash Account
This only works in a new game, so start correctly! On the main menu, press CIRCLE, CIRCLE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, SELECT.


Cheat List
Enter the cheats below in on the Cheats screen of the Options menu to activate their effects:
Automatic Nav: USETHEFORCE
Diplomatic Immunity: VICTORS
Evil Truck: VARLEY
Level Select: LAZYPLAYER
Small Pedestrians: DAISHI
Toggle Damage: 6WL
Tons of Cash: LOTSAMONEY

If these don't work, tell me and i'll sort it out. tongue.gif Thanks!

Post Date: 26th Nov, 2003 - 9:09am / Post ID: #

Anyone Stuck On Any Games?
A Friend

Games On Stuck Anyone

Mega man x7

Full Armor for X On the character select screen, hold SELECT when choosing X. He will now have all his armor.

Unlock X
Rescue 65 reploids to be able to play as X.

Extra Tank in Vanishing Gungaroo's Stage
Towards the end of Vanishing Gungaroo's stage, you must fight a series of enemy ride armor in a room with pillars. Climb one of these pillars and jump across them to reach an extra tank.
(Extra hint: If you've brought a ride armor into this room, you can leave it in the middle of the room and fight the bad guys on foot. After beating the last enemy armor, you will automatically encounter Gungaroo. As long as you leave your ride armor within the battle perimeter, you can use it against the boss when the battle begins.)

Remember any code, cheats and tips that don't work please tell me!

Post Date: 27th Nov, 2003 - 9:02am / Post ID: #

Anyone Stuck On Any Games?
A Friend

Games On Stuck Anyone

Come on people, give me a name of a game(s), any console/computer and I will try to find the cheats, hints and guides for it! biggrin.gif

Post Date: 28th Nov, 2003 - 3:25pm / Post ID: #

Anyone Stuck On Any Games?
A Friend

Anyone Stuck On Any Games?

Blocked off tunnel ( near Columbian mansion ) GTA3 for XBox

Can you tell me how to get the tunnel at the Columbian mansion opened ?
I have completed the game twice with 100%, and have aquired every car ( including specials ) but still cannot get the tunnel open. Also, is there really a fourth/fith island ? If so - how do you get there ?

Many thanks,


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Post Date: 29th Nov, 2003 - 3:49pm / Post ID: #

Anyone Stuck On Any Games?
A Friend

Anyone Stuck On Games

Xtrasweetgirl, as far as I know there isn't a fourth island sad.gif , I myself have GTA 3 for the Playstation 2. I did research on both consoles and found people saying there was but they said it like this

"There is a fourth island, the only way to get it is by beating the game 100%."

They don't give you any direction or help on how to complete it! unsure.gif

I know theres a ghost town, and names on the map like"Aronsville" etc.

Thats all I know, sorry I haven't been much help!



Post Date: 29th Nov, 2003 - 3:59pm / Post ID: #

Anyone Stuck On Any Games?
A Friend

Anyone Stuck On Games Computer Issues & Video Gaming

Xtrasweetgirl, you could try the following sites and look for the information what you want. cool.gif

Supercheats smile.gif-->rolleyes.gif

In the IGN site click on the guides link at the top left hand side of the page.

Hope you find the information. biggrin.gif

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> TOPIC: Anyone Stuck On Any Games?


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