Wow, don't take me wrong people but with the amount of people looking and working towards worldwide peace, those who work earnestly to help the poor and the afflicted and the less fortunate, how come Al Gore is winning a Nobel Peace Prize?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
how come Al Gore is winning a Nobel Peace Prize? |
International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 109 10.9%
The Al Gore Controversy
Al Gore has been parading around the world (in his carbon guzzling private jet) telling the horrors of not acting on global warming. Turns out he may not be an honest broker on the issue (gasp--get right on out of here!). What motivation would Mr. Gore have? Money. Turns out he has huge stakes in companies that are the largest owners of carbon credits. Yep, Gore stands to make a bajillion gazillion dollars if this cap and trade stuff goes through. But he just wants to save the environment! Riiiiight. And he invented the internet, too
Ref. https://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/10986/
It's what's been said over and over in the Global Warming thread and other places - follow the money. These big guns/wheeler-dealers wouldn't be fighting so hard for [insert supposedly worthy cause here] if there weren't money to be made, and a lot of it.
Al Gore is no crusader! At least not for the welfare of the planet. He's just selling something that will make a lot of money for himself and his cronies. Carbon credits my foot! It makes you wonder how long this has been in the works, how many other people are involved, and if the "main stream media" will ever pick it up and report this outrage. ... And if the American people will ever wake up to the fact that there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes that they need to aware of and ready to fight against.
This is just one more thing that infuriates me. (Can you tell?)
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
Al Gore gives the appearance of being a dork, but I must admit he knows how to fleece the world out of its money! Would someone please show me a picture of all the trees Al Gore is planting with his carbon offset money? There must be thousands of acres of trees somewhere. What a joke, and both Obama and McCain are falling for it. Heaven help U.S.
International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 102 10.2%
Hey...check out Al Gore's commitment to environmentalism. His house uses approximately the amount of energy required for 20 average homes in the US. His use has gone up by 10% even with all the solar improvements he has added...
Somehow, I still suspect that he doesnt own a hybrid car.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
It is hard to believe in someone whop stated he invented the internet. I have seen his movie about the environment and I can follow some of it. I just can not get over him trying to sale us his solution to everything. Especially when he does not follow it at all.