Gore not sweating ClimateGate
Al Gore does not seem phased in the least that many of the top Global Warming scientists were caught emailing about 'hiding' evidence and using 'tricks' to manipulate the science to exaggerate rising temperatures. Instead, he just shrugs off the 'deniers' as he calls them, and prattles on and on about how the planet has a temperature, in this agonizing interview with Andrea Mitchell. Ref. Source 2
Gore up to old tricks
Al Gore has been telling tall tales about the Earth for quite some time. If you think Miami will be underwater in a couple of decades then you've been listening to Al Gore speak. Finally, his lies caught up with him after claiming the Arctic Ocean would be free of summer ice by as soon as 2014. One problem with that fact - the scientist who Gore got the number from says Gore made up the number. Oops. Flat Earther Glenn Beck responds to the mighty Goracle. Ref. Source 6
Memo to Gore: It's REALLY cold out
It's unclear if Al Gore still thinks the science on global warming is settled, considering the long term cooling trends and our current frigid temperatures around the country and the globe. But America is losing her patience with the environmentalists. First they are caught in emails lying about and exaggerating global warming. Then the products they tout are turning out to be really, really crappy - like the LED street lights that can't melt snow, thus causing accidents because no one can see them. Pat talks about the latest in the rush to turn America green. Ref. Source 8
AMBER ALERT: Al Gore MIA during blizzards
Glenn is very concerned because Al Gore has suddenly vanished from the public scene. It's almost like he's trying to lay low as the country is pounded with massive snowstorms, BUT he could have also been abducted by some deranged psycho. Speaking of deranged, check out this clip from MSNBC where a reporter explains that all the snow doesn't mean less global warming - it is proof of global warming. Ref. Source 2
Whew! Gore found safe and sound...
America breathed a collective sigh of relief this week as former Vice President Al Gore was found safe as a polar bear on ice, turning up in the New York Times where he was writing in response to the mounting fabricated data coming from the alarmist community. Is Gore backing down? Ref. Source 8
Read the article and I have to say that if there were any questions of Gore being a politician, this piece of diatribe should answer it. Let me give you my synopsis:
Yeah, some things were fabricated, taken out of context, selectively discarded, etc...but we did it for YOU!
You cant stop your dependence on oil by yourselves.
You want me on that wall....YOU NEED ME ON THAT WALL!
Colonel Gore...did you order the falsification of climate change documents?
YOUR XXXX RIGHT I DID. I did it so you can sleep in your warm beds at night and enjoy green dreams while I help curb your appetite of fossil fuels. You people make me sick. You sit back in your SUV's, riding up and down the freeway over 55 mph, sucking down gas like it was a "Big Gulp" out of a 7/11 on a hot day. You are pathetic. You cant stop yourselves so I am going to give you cap and trade to help you navigate your ever weak existence. SO, I would appreciate it if you said thanks and just signed the bill and give me3 to 4% of your GDP.
Disclosure: I am going to confine my discussion to only the recorded history since data suggest that there were definitely hotter time on planet earth prior to that period and we werent driving SUV's at that time. I am going to mention that this is the hottest winter on record. I will talk about the fact that greenhouse gases absolutely will work as a heating blanket. I will not talk about the extremely small change in sun activity that it would take to duplicate it. I am not going to apologize for any misleading or profiteering that may have or may not have happened as a result of this new religion. AMEN! You may all still bow to me as your Czar. Edited: Vincenzo on 3rd Mar, 2010 - 1:22am
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
Marketing is done with such skill and political backing that you can fool the general public into believing anything. Scientists can be easily bought too that's why up to this day you still have 'experts' saying that smoking does have some benefits. You have global warming and we all need to go green now - first thing comes up in some business execs mind is how can I make a dollar from this? Next thing you know everyone wants to cash in.
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 100 10%
Gore's $9 million mansion
Al Gore once promised to dump all the climate related money he made back into the climate. Technically he's keeping the promise, as he just bought another mansion. This $9 million monster probably does put a lot back into the climate. Don't worry, Al probably planted a lot of trees to off-set the house"¦or something like that. Ref. Source 3