Game Cheats
Do you use game cheats in order to win at PC games? Game cheats are also sometimes called, 'walk-throughs', but they are not necessarily the same. Game cheats may involve a special code that is inputed into the computer to cause your character / shooter to be invincible in some way or more powerful.
Some humans wonder about the reason for having a cheat as it defeats the purpose of most games designed to cause you to 'work' at finishing it. What is your view?
I do frequently use cheats for some games. For example, I find that playing Starcraft is very relaxing, but the stress level goes up if I play it normally. I use a single cheat, once, to get a good start.
I have also used some cheats for some XBox games. However, that is usually only after playing it without the cheats.
I am such a prideful person, as my fiance can contest to, when it comes to playing and succeeding at a game. I only use cheats, and usually I won't read all of the cheat, only if I have been stuck at a spot for hours. I have to try every possible way I can think of fifty times before I will resort to finding help with it.