It Takes A Village...
Do you believe in the sentiment that "It Takes A Village To Raise A Child"?
Brandon, I am not sure if this statement still in force. Maybe in the old days, you could have counted on your neighbors to help raise your child like if they saw your kids doing something wrong they would tell them, etc but the world has become so evil, that I personally do not trust anyone in helping raise my child. First of all, I live in a country where most of the population have a total different value system than my family and I have, so even if it "takes a village to raise a child" I don't trust the village for the job.
I believe this is still in effect. I do agree whole heartedly with LDS_forever, however we live in a concrete jungle where what your neighbor does (like it or not) does and will influence your children. That fact is what has made me long to live on a farm or area where the houses are far apart, in this way you are not part of someone's world because they live only feet away from you.
That is one of the benefits of living in a smaller country like Trinidad. We still can depend on family and friends to help out in a crunch.
Some days I may be inside of my house doing something and a neighbour would ring the bell and ask if my son wants to go walikng with them. In addition, there are several people including myself who would not be able to manage without the help of parents, both grandmother and grandfather. This includes such tasks as picking up and dropping to school, looking after on weekend if I have to go out (in my case I am a single mother) and even more helpful if there are work related issues without a lot of notice.
Our extended family has become invaluable and Thank God, is still an important part of life in Trinidad and Tobago.
Well, let's not make this thread a Trinidad and Tobago topic (there is a whole board for it). This topic talks about in general whether the sentiment of "It takes a village to raise a child" still in force.
Personally as I stated before, I am not sure if still in force. It all depends really if you are lucky enough to be living in a place where your neighbors are somewhat "normal" folks. In any case, seeing the evil that surround us I do not fully trust in anyone (besides my husband) in helping me raise my boys.
I believe in our current times it know longer applies. I live in a farm area where privacy is great. So I can raise my children the way I choose. My neighbours are not so close and I am glad. They are VERY DIFFERENT from the way I choose to bring up my kids.
It sounds great in principal, but I have to say that in this day and age, you'd be hard pushed to find a village where you could trust everybody residing there. There are far too many people with hidden intentions roaming the streets. Sad but it's true, in my opinion.