Lds Missionaries Beaten Up In Bolton, Uk

Lds Missionaries Beaten Bolton Uk - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 19th Oct, 2007 - 11:37pm

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19th Oct, 2007 - 9:03pm / Post ID: #

Lds Missionaries Beaten Up In Bolton, Uk

This is so sad. Teenagers who would do something like that just for the fun of it. Look at the pics of the missionaries, I feel so sorry for them. Glad they got help and they are fine now.

A YOUNG Mormon missionary badly beaten by a gang of teenages has said he forgives his attackers and has vowed to continue working in Bolton.

Sebastian Herrey, aged 21, and his colleague Brandon Woolsey, aged 19, were attacked by 14 youths as they took a short cut along Raglan Street, Halliwell, after missing their bus last Friday evening.

The men are both on a two-year placement in the town working as missionaries, known as Elders, with the local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Mr Herrey, who is from Gothenburg, Sweden, and Mr Woolsey, from Utah, in the USA, ended up spending a night in the Royal Bolton Hospital after they were confronted by the teenagers and chased more than 500 metres before getting help from people at the Lord Raglan pub.

Mr Herrey suffered a suspected fractured jaw, gashed forehead and bruising, while Mr Woolsey was left with a black eye, cut lip and bruising.

Their ordeal began as they were on their way to visit someone interested in learning more about their faith.

They were walking past the cemetery in Astley Lane when the youths commented that they were wearing suits and began shouting abuse.

Mr Herrey said they decided to explain who they were and they thought trouble had been averted when one of the youths replied "Pray for us guys", and gave them a thumbs-up sign.

Mr Herrey said: "We have met a lot of people like this before, they have always respected us."

But seconds later a bottle was thrown at them, Mr Herrey was hit on the head from behind and both men were punched and kicked...

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19th Oct, 2007 - 9:50pm / Post ID: #

Uk Bolton Up Beaten Missionaries Lds

I served in Bolton in 1992. Usually they say things like this mean the work is going well or the area needs to be closed down. I think the missionaries may have just pushed their 'protection' (not luck) a bit too far in this instance.

I remember once we were on a bus coming from Bolton Centre heading North when a crazy woman boarded and started beating up everyone, she did not touch us though. The police came about two minutes later and arrested her.

19th Oct, 2007 - 11:37pm / Post ID: #

Lds Missionaries Beaten Up In Bolton, Uk Studies Doctrine Mormon

I was in Hungary from 92 to 94.

I was pushed up against a wall once. I was a scrapper in high school and usually responded to a fight by fighting. I think an incidence happened on my mission that changed me.

My companion and I were walking home from a late appointment when two drunk men walked by us, yelling and screaming about something. Well, when they saw us, one of them ran up and pushed me up against the wall. Earlier in my life I would have begun pushing back and fighting right away, but this time was different. Something inside of me told me to stop. A calming feeling came over me, which was unusual for me because I always had a fight first and ask questions later attitude. A clear voice, or feeling came into my head which said "Stop". I simply said "Hello". The man looked into my face and went from an angry face to a confused face within seconds. He looked around and shook his head and let go of me. The two men walked away much more quite then when they had started.

I do not know why I did not fight or why the Man did not hurt me (he was a very large man). It very well could have gone much worse. I look back at that and it seemed to cause a fundamental change in who I am.

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