Book: The Sons Of God - Page 10 of 12

When they got to the top of the hill, Saba - Page 10 - The Bible Revealed - Posted: 22nd Jun, 2008 - 6:54am

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Fiction by Mousetrails
12th Jun, 2008 - 7:14am / Post ID: #

Book: The Sons Of God - Page 10

Then, as the people drug the body away, Onam told Lijalem. "We're going to make face to face contact tomorrow with both the village and the city. We believe it will take five days for the village to travel here. The city will take longer, probably ten days. Have you decided where you want them when they get here?"
Lijalem stood without answering for several angry moments. Then he turned until he was face to face with the younger man. "You killed another worker. Onam, this has to stop!"
"When I make an example of a man like Asaph, it reminds the rest of the people not to do what he did. Anyway, in a few days you will have thousands more workers just like him. Where do you want them?"
"Onam, Asaph was one of my most skilled workers!"
"Train three of the new men to take his place! Where do you want them?"
After several more moments of silence, Lijalem answered, "Bring the village to the other side of the river. Devide the city in half. Settle half on this side, and half on the other side with the village. I want them to stay mixed. I don't want this city fighting with a city across the river. Keep them mixed and they will become one people."
"How soon will you be returning home. Maya and I would like a ride."
"I need to speak with Jorham again. I'll meet you at the rotor bird."
******************************************************************** The next day Onam was dressed before the light came to the eastern sky. "Let's go Maya. It's moving day."
"I know, but it's still dark out. Why did you rise so early?"
"By the time you get dressed, have your morning meal, and we inspect the rotor bird, there will be plenty of light."
"All right. All right. I'm coming."
Onam disappeared down the hall to eat his morning meal. He was nervous about the day ahead and anxious to get into the air. "Lijalem you"re up early this morning."
"I like the stillness of the early morning as much as you do, but that's not why I'm up. Have you forgotten that every time the god around here thunders the city is supposed to bow their face to the ground? Well, I thought as long as you"re going to wake them up, I might as well put them to work."
"You don't miss an opportunity do you?"
"No, Onam I don't. I'm getting older and I"d like to see my city before I die."
"You"re not that old. Besides I'm bringing you a lot of extra help in a few days."
"I know, but I still enjoy getting all I can done each day. Which rotor bird are you taking?"
"The big one. It makes the most noise so it's the most effective."
"Oh, Onam, I forgot to tell you, I've made a light that can be fastened to the rotor bird. Can you imagine hovering over shepherds at night shining a bright light in their eyes and telling them the city has to move?"
"Lijalem you are very wise. Do you think we can fasten it to the rotor bird today so we can use it tonight?"
"We can try."
"I'll go tell Maya she can doesn't have to rise yet, then I'll come to the bird storage."
"Take your time. I've got to go instruct Jorham about the days work, but I'll return soon."
Onam and Maya were looking at the new light when Lijalem returned. "Tell me Lijalem, where did you get this idea to place such a light on a rotor bird?"
Lijalem ignored Onam's question to greet his newest flyer. "Good morning Maya. Onam said you would probably sleep late."
"No. I was up and dressed when he came in talking about some light you've created so I came to see what all the excitement is about."
"Onam gets excited over every new toy. It's just a light that we can mount on the rotor bird. I was about to explain how I got the idea to build it. I was lying on my mat the other night wondering what I would see if I could shine a light on the city when you two are out thundering around at night. I started experimenting the next day. If we get it fastened to the rotor bird we'll try it when the sun goes down."
"Another night flight?"
"Maya you don't have to go."
"I wouldn't miss this one. I'm going back to my mat so I can stay awake tonight."
Lijalem and Onam worked all day on the light. When they were through Lijalem swung the new light full circle. "That looks good to me. Let's eat and wait for dark. I want to see how well it works."

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13th Jun, 2008 - 7:05am / Post ID: #

God Sons Book

"I'll go see if Maya's awake. She'll want to see this."
"I"ll meet you at the table."
Maya almost bumped into Onam at the hall door. "Is it working?"
"Yes. Let's eat. Lijalem's waiting for us. We'll try it when it gets dark."
When they entered the hall Habtamu's wife was sitting across the table listening to a very serious Lijalem.
"When your baby is born we will give you another husband. You must be with child at all times. We have to increase our numbers."
"But I don't want another husband. Habtamu has only been gone a short time. His child hasn't been born and you're already telling me I'll have another husband."
"Onam sat next to the distressed woman facing Lijalem, and asked, "Lijalem is your concern for this woman or for our numbers?"
"For our numbers. They must grow! Every woman must be with child. This woman is not going to be an exception."
"Lijalem will you consider the matter closed if I tell you I'll take care of it, if I see that she stays with child?"
Onam rose to get his food and Maya followed to ask quietly, "How are you going to keep her with child when she clearly wants no husband?"
"The same way I'm going to keep my first wife with child. I will visit her when it's necessary."
They ate in silence, but Onam ate quickly and rose before Maya. "I"m going to the bird storage."
Maya was almost through eating, so she said, "Wait for me. I want to go with you."
******************************************************************** Lijalem stood in total darkness except for the glow from the lights on the flight information panel. He leaned in the door of the bird yelling, so Onam could hear him over the noise of the turning rotors. "Rise to about fifty cubits and test the light on me."
Onam rose to crest at fifty cubits. He pushed a lever, then rotated the handle and the world below was flooded with intense blue-white light. Lijalem was blinded, so he put first his hand, then his arm, over his eyes, then suddenly ran under the rotor bird out of sight. Onam instinctively turned the rotor bird so the light followed, but try as he might, he couldn't find Lijalem. He finally gave up, and as he touched earth, Lijalem walked out of the darkness.
"Where did you go? I couldn't find you."
"Onam we have more work to do."
"What are you going to do to help me keep the light on something that moves?"
"I'm not going to help you. You have enough to do flying the rotor bird. I'll have to fasten it to the bird so Maya can change the direction of the light while you fly. Both of you go get some sleep. I'll have it ready by tomorrow night."
Onam woke as the first clouds glowed with the hint of a new day, and his first thought was of the new light. He rose quietly to leave Maya sleeping. .
The sun was just above the hills when Lijalem looked up to see who was coming through the storage door. "Onam, you look sleepy."
"I'm all right. Lijalem did you work on that light all night?"
"Yes. I changed the way it's fastened to the rotorbird. It's balanced now so Maya can point it any direction quickly. I thought if I could get it finished by this morning, Yetbarek would have time to rest today and take the firebird tonight to make thunder." Lijalem stood and stretched. "Will you find Yetbarek and ask him to fly tonight? I need to get some sleep."
"Go ahead, I know where he is. Are you sure the light works?"
"The only thing I changed was the way it was fastened to the bird. It will work."
Onam rested through the day, then watched the surrounding hills while he ate his evening meal and waited for Maya. As the sun approached the horizon and turned red, the golden grass on the hills glowed amber as if lighted from within. Long fingers of deep crimson shadows crept up between the hills reaching for the lighter violet of the distant mountains until the two shadows touched, then merged in the coming darkness. Two ravens, black against the pale blue sky, glided silently overhead toward their roost and nightfall.
When Maya finally came to him he asked, "Where have you been? Yetbarek has already checked his firebird, and you aren't even in your flight raiments."
"Talking to Alemu. We were discussing the arrangement you had with Lijalem to keep her with child. Help me with these raiments. They"re a little small these days."
"What did she say?"
Maya fastened her flight raiments as she walked toward the rotor bird. "She just seemed grateful that she didn't have to give up Habtamu's memory so soon."
"What did she say about carrying my child?"

15th Jun, 2008 - 12:18pm / Post ID: #

Book: The Sons Of God Revealed Bible The

She said, "If she has to carry one, she doesn't care who the father is. She just doesn't want to live with another man right now."
Onam climbed up and reached down for Maya's hand. "Come on. Let's get the rotors turning. Yetbarek's already at the end of the bird path."
As he was helping Maya into her seat, a voice in Onam's head shield interupted his thoughts. "Onam, Yetbarek. Which village are we going to first?"
"The small one."
"I'll be making wide circles when you get there. How do you plan to use the new light?"
"I'd like to fly low around the hillsides until we find some shepherds. The noise of the firebird will already have them in fear. When we see a camp fire we'll drop in quickly, then stay fifty cubits above earth and turn the light on. Then I"ll tell them they have to move."
Yetbarek's nose wheel was just lifting off the earth as he went by. Onam and Maya could hear the roar over the noise of the rotor bird. Onam rose to chase after Yetbarek who was soon just a speck in the sky.
"This rotor bird is so much slower than the firebird it feels like we're not moving."
"I know, Maya, but I"m sure the light will be much more effective than just the noise of the firebird. Watch for camp fires. We'll be there soon."
"Onam, Yetbarek, I see your lights. There's a camp fire in front of you and to your left."
"I'm going to turn the light on as I start down... Now Maya, turn it on."
"Just like you guessed, four of them. Onam, one's trying to hide under a tree."
"I saw him." Onam flew over the tree, then slowly came down behind it so Maya was lighting the shepherd and the tree trunk as though it were mid-day. The terrified shepherd ran back to join the others. Onam rose again to fifty cubits and pushed the talk lever. He was so loud he could hear his voice echo off the nearby hills. "I am The God of Thunder. You who hear my voice will obey me. When the sun rises, three of you will go to the village and tell the people to pack their belongings. They will carry the packs on their backs or load them on beasts of burden. They are to prepare for a five-day walk. Day after tomorrow I will visit you in the village common at noon to tell you where you"re going. Now fall on your knees and worship me with your face to the ground until you can no longer hear my thunder. I am your God."
Four shepherds fell to the ground as Onam flew away and turned off the light, then turned toward the city to the east.
"Did everything happen as you planned, Onam?"
"The light made it easier than the first time. All four bowed as told. Let's see how the next group reacts."
As they flew through the darkness, Maya gazed upward at the only lights to be seen. "Onam, most of the stars twinkle, but some just glow. Why is that?"
"You"ll have to ask Lijalem. He could probably tell you."
As they flew through the darkness, Maya pondered all that had happened to her, and Onam was lost in thought. Then a voice in their head shields brought their thoughts back together. "Onam, almost every hill near the city has one or two small fires. All you have to do is choose one."
"I'm taking one very close to the city. All right Yetbarek we're dropping down on a fire. Turn the light on, Maya."
When the earth and shepherds below were covered in light Onam said, "I am the God of Thunder. You who hear my voice will obey me. When the sun rises three of you will go to the city and tell the people to pack their belongings. They will carry the packs on their backs or load them on beasts of burden. They are to prepare for a ten-day walk. Two days from now I will visit you in the city common when the sun is high to tell you where you are going. Now fall on your knees and worship me with your face to the ground until you can no longer hear my thunder. I am your God."
Just as before the shepherds shook in fear of the light and noise from above, so they touched their faces to the ground.
"We"re through, Yet. Let's see if we can find home."
"Hurry. We"ll see who gets home first."
"Sure you will. Next time you get to fly the rotor bird." Both birds turned south toward home and sleep.
Late in the morning of the next day, Maya lay quietly until she knew Onam was awake. "I felt your son move this morning."
"Then you shouldn't be out flying till the middle of the night!"
"Carrying your child doesn't make me feeble. Tigist said I can do almost anything until the last moon. She says I should walk a lot. She says you have a lot to learn about babies and mothers."

16th Jun, 2008 - 11:14pm / Post ID: #

Page 10 God Sons Book

"Do you feel like walking to the watercourse? I want to see what progress the workers have made."
Maya's face brightened. "All right. Do you have any idea how long it will take?"
"Lijalem said we could walk there and back in a half day."
"I"ll get some bread and fruit if you"ll get a skin of water."
They walked under a cloudless blue sky with just enough breeze to keep them cool. The only sounds came from a flock of ravens across the river arguing about some unseen problem.
"How are you going to find the digging workers?"
"Lijalem said to go upriver to the bend and climb the hill to the left."
When they started to climb Maya began to perspire. "The breeze isn't keeping me cool in these flight raiments and head shield. I've got to take some of this off."
"Maya, you would dare defy the laws we"ve made? You know very well what would happen if we're recognized as nothing but ordinary humans. Do you want to rest a while in the shade and go back?"
"No. I'll make it somehow."
The sounds of men talking and metal against rock guided them as they climbed. When they reached the workers, Onam was surprised. "Jorham, what are you doing here? I thought you were in charge of the building workers."
"No, my Lord. Lijalem advanced me. I talk to all the workers every day and report back to him. Did you come to see the watercourse?"
"Yes. I was curious. Why is the water muddy? I thought it would be clear and clean."
"That's just the water we release to test for leaks. When it runs for a short time, it will clear."
"How did you dig through that rocky area?"
"We drilled holes in the rock hitting a metal shaft with a mallet, then added eruption powder and fire. It is slow work."
"Do you line the water way with stones on every turn?"
"Yes. It keeps the water from washing the sides away."
"Thank you for showing us your work, Jorham. We must return."
Maya had already walked more than she wanted to, so she asked, "Could we walk back through the trees? It's so hot down there in the sun."
Onam led the way along the path the workers had made. They walked in the shade in silence, but when he held a low branch back for Maya he found he was walking alone. "Maya?"
He started to run back along the trail. "Maya! Maya! Where are you? He saw a boot, then a leg. She had fallen beside the trail into the tall grass. He tried to pick her up but she was limp and heavy. Then he heard voices. The workers were through for the day. They would be here any moment. In desperation he grabbed both of Maya's hands and dragged her down the hill to hide her behind a tree, then lay in the grass beside her hoping they wouldn't be seen. The noisy workers passed above the two figures lying in the tall grass, and trudged wearily on their way.
Onam knelt beside the still form and gently shook her shoulder. "Maya are you all right?"
She didn't open her eyes, but wiped her sleeve at the perspiration on her forehead, then muttered, "I'm so hot."
Onam unfastened her head shield and outer raiments. "You stay here. I'll be right back." He ran back along the trail to the watercourse, taking off his outer cloak as he ran. He soaked it in the muddy water and ran back to Maya to wet her with it. By the time he got back, she was sitting up. He twisted most of the water out of his cloak to wet hers, then sat gently cooling her face with it. "You scared me. Are you all right?"
"I think I can walk now. Did anybody see me fall?"
"No, but it was close. I'm going to get help."
"No. Don't go. I'll be all right in a few moments. I just got too hot climbing that hill with all these heavy raiments on."
******************************************************************** Maya was feeling well the next morning, but Onam thought she should stay at home and rest.
"Onam, who's going to help you if you get in trouble?"
"There's no one else to go, Maya, and I won't get in trouble."
"You don't know that. I"m going. I'm good with the hand weapon. You said so yourself."
"I won't be walking in the sun. I"m going!"
Onam took a long, slow, deep breath. He knew it would do no good to argue. "All right, go get another hand weapon from Lijalem and meet me at the rotor bird as soon as you can." He wished he didn't have to depend on her. He could have a limp woman-with-child on his hands if anything went wrong. She was good with hand weapons, and she was right about there being no one else to go. Lijalem was too busy and Habtamu was gone. That only left her and Yetbarek to help him. Some day maybe he could raise Jorham up to be a god. He would have to talk to Lijalem about that. He was lost in thought, so Yetbarek's greeting startled him.
"Good morning, Onam. Are you ready to go?"
"I have to wait for Maya. Are you through checking your firebird?"
"I just finished. I thought you weren't taking her."
"She talked me into it. She's the only help we have right now."
"I'll leave when you're ready."
"Thank you Yetbarek."
Onam had just finished checking the bird when Maya came out. "Do you have your hand weapon?"
"Yes, and water and something for us to eat. Yetbarek, here's a mid day meal for you. I got hungry last time." .
Yetbarek noticed her warm smile as she handed him part of the food. "Thank you, Maya. Have you noticed Onam's raiment is a little tight around his middle?"
"All right you two, let's go." Onam climbed into his seat, and the rotor bird's blades began to turn. Maya felt a shiver of excitement run up her back when the engine started. She was going to help change the lives of thousands of people. They were going to do her will. What an unbelievable feeling of power.

17th Jun, 2008 - 6:13pm / Post ID: #

God Sons Book

"Onam, did you give the people we"re moving enough time?"
"For what?"
"To pack and get ready to march. You only gave us two days. That's not really enough time to pack a lifetime of possessions."
"But you did it."
"I know, but it was hard. Do you think anyone will cause trouble like my father did?"
"It's possible, but a quick show of force will take care of any problems. Don't forget that."
As the rotor bird beat it's way north, Maya watched a hawk far below turn lazy circles in the warming air. "What are you going to name them?"
"The sons you have on the way."
"I haven't thought about it. We're coming up on your old village. Get ready to descend into the common. Is your hand weapon ready?"
They descended until they were about fifty cubits above the ground and hovered. Onam turned on his voice enlarger, twisted a knob until he was sure everyone in the village could hear him, and spoke. "I am The God of Thunder. All who hear me will come to the common to be instructed."
Every human in the village started toward the common. He waited until most were gathered, then lowered the rotor bird toward the ground. As they descended, he touched the voice enlarger again. "Every person among you will drop to your knees and bow your heads to the ground when I come into your presence."
Thousands of knees touched the ground, and every head bowed and touched the earth. As they touched down, Onam glanced at Maya. She lifted her eye armor just enough for him to see her eyes. They told him she was smiling.
"You have had three days to prepare for the journey. You will leave now and march south toward your new home. Your leader will rise and give me his name."
"I, Yoseph, am their leader."
"Yoseph will remain your leader." Onam watched for some expression on Yoseph's face, but there was none. "I will guide you daily on your journey. Yoseph, you will bow your face to the ground with the others until the thunder is gone."
Onam touched his head shield counselor and spoke, "Yetbarek, I'm rising to the south. Fly by two times east to west to keep their heads down until I'm out of sight."
"I'm making my turn now."
"That was really strange seeing it happen from the other side of this eye armor. Those people back there really believe we're gods."
"They obeyed because they are afraid. I don't think they will really believe we are gods until they are living a good life and think it's because of their god. Did you watch Yoseph's face?"
"Yes. He never changed his expression."
"I think we should watch that one very closely for a while. It is impossible to guess what he might be thinking. We are coming to the city. I am going to do it a little differently this time because of its size."
Onam started at the edge of the city making smaller and smaller circles speaking to the people as he flew. "I am The God of Thunder. All of you, every man, woman, and child, will go to the center of the city to be instructed."
As he talked, the streets filled with people all moving toward the center. When the great common could hold no more, he spoke again. "Every person among you will drop to your knees and bow your heads to the ground when I come into your presence." Again, thousands of knees touched the ground and every head bowed. He realized people covered every bit of the common. There was no place to touch earth while he instructed them. He decided to hover just above them while he talked.
"Tomorrow you will start to pack....
A dull thud came from somewhere behind them, then another. Onam instinctively rose just as another stone crashed through the front wind armor hitting him in the shoulder. As he climbed, another stone caught the side of his head shield knocking his head to one side. He lost control for a moment, then continued his climb. Maya screamed. Her eye armor was loose on one side and her face was bloody.
"Yetbarek, get down here quickly. We need help."
"What happened?"
"They started throwing stones at us. They've done some damage to the rotor bird, and Maya is bleeding."
"What do you need?"
"Erupting fire arrows. Place some in the middle of the common."
"Are you out of the way?"
"I"m five hundred cubits and rising above the common." Onam saw the glint of sun on silver metal as Yetbarek turned to rain fire on the common below. Short moments later, bodies and pieces of bodies were flying through the air. Dwellings were on fire, and people were trampling others to death just trying to get away. Onam glanced at Maya. She was starting to move. "Maya, how badly are you hurt?"

19th Jun, 2008 - 6:25am / Post ID: #

Book: The Sons Of God

"I don't know." Maya was shaking with anger. "Get me back down close enough to use the hand weapon."
"I'm not going back without those people learning a lesson, are you?"
"No. But I"m worried about you."
"Just get me down."
"Onam, Yetbarek, are you all right?"
"We"re bloodied, but still in the air. We're going back down. Stay close by."
"Onam get out of there."
He had flown back down close to the earth, and Maya was killing the people running from the common when Onam answered, "No. This city has a lesson to learn."
Maya stopped for a moment to look at Onam. "Why are you rising? I'm not through yet."
"Don't you feel the bird shaking? We have to get away from here while we can."
"Yetbarek, this bird is shaking, and it's getting worse. We're starting for home."
"I just asked Lijalem to start this way in the other rotor bird in case yours doesn't get you home."
Though he tried everything he had learned in a life-time of flying, Onam couldn't get the bird to rise. Their crest was just above the rooftops. "Yetbarek, we're loosing power. Can you see where we are?"
"I see you leaving smoke behind you at the north edge of the city. Turn left now. The earth drops away into a lower valley. It will help get you further from the people chasing you."
As the bird came closer to the earth, Maya shouted, "We're going to touch earth!"
"I know, Maya. Yetbarek, I'm going to land before I lose all power. How long before Lijalem can get here?"
"Lijalem, this is Yetbarek. How much longer?"
"I"ll be there before the sun is at its crest"
Even though Maya was injured, she had to ask, "Onam, why can't we hear Lijalem?"
"Because we're too low. As soon as we land, run! Now, let's get out of here."
"Yetbarek, this is Lijalem. We have to protect them from the people of the city!"
"I know, but they just landed, and most of the city is trying to catch up with them."
"What happened to them? Why did they land?"
"Onam said the people threw stones. I don't know exactly what happened, but I know what's going to happen if you don't get here in time."
"Can you kill some of them and slow the rest down?"
"I can only hold them off for a few more moments. I have little fire liquid left, and half my fire arrows are gone."
"Can you still see Onam and Maya?"
"They"re just getting out of the bird. Now both of them are running through a field of grain."
"When those people get to the rotor bird, they will probably stop for a few moments. When they do, hit it with a fire arrow"
"Good idea. I'll do that." Yetbarek rose to crest at fifteen hundred cubits, and flew wide circles waiting for the right moment. As he watched, thousands of people poured out of the city streets to spread out as they entered the fields looking for the smoking rotor bird. After running some distance, they found it, then started after Onam and Maya. Yetbarek glanced at the flight-knowledge table. He had to stay. He couldn't leave them down there to die.
Lijalem became more concerned each moment. "Can you still see where they are?"
"I have lost sight of them. I don't know where they are now. Lijalem, we won't have long to find them after I slow these people down."
"We have to find them again!"
"I'll start looking for them as soon as I finish my attack."
The people on the ground were pouring like ants on a dead lizard all around the rotor bird, rocking it back and forth, and tearing off pieces. Yetbarek turned sharply to begin a long descent to his target. When his fire arrow struck, Onam's rotor bird disappeared in a ball of fire and twisted parts.
"Lijalem, the dead and dying are the only ones that slowed down. The rest are still after Onam and Maya. Are you almost here?"
"I'm about ten days walk away. Keep trying to find them."
"The people are following in almost a straight line west. I'm going to go that direction." Yetbarek dropped his wheels to slow his bird. Finding two people on the ground at this speed was impossible but he had to try. "Lijalem! I just saw a flash of blue light. I see them. Onam's using his hand weapon to signal. They're running through an open field."
"I can see the city and my night lights are on. Can you see me?"
"No." Yetbarek scanned the empty sky in front of him then turned to see Lijalem's rotor bird behind him. "Yes! See the people below you?. Follow their direction."
"I see you. Where are Onam and Maya?"

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20th Jun, 2008 - 6:32am / Post ID: #

Book Sons God - Page 10

"Just fly on the same direction a half days walk. You will see the blue light from Onam's hand weapon. I have to start toward home. Good luck."
"Do you have enough fire liquid to get home?"
"I"m not sure."
"I have a blue light from Onam. Yetbarek, Maya's lying on the ground. If I can still reach you when I rise, I'll let you know how they are." Lijalem came toward the earth right beside Onam and Maya to save time. Onam held up his arm to shield his face from the blowing dust and dead grass. As Lijalem touched earth, Onam raised Maya to a standing position, then quickly threw his arms around her middle and lifted her onto the right rotor bird seat. Lijalem held her up while Onam climbed in to lift her onto his lap, then handed Onam one end of the heavy leather yoke.
"There's no time for that. Just get this thing off the earth!" They rose with Onam hanging onto Maya with one hand and gripping the seat with the other. "All right, Lijalem, go far enough to keep them from catching us and land again. I"ll fall out this way. I've got to fasten this seat yoke.
Next day Onam, Yetbarek, and Maya sat quietly in the common room until Lijalem entered. "I've asked you here to talk about some problems we have, and changes that can be made to keep the day just past from happening again. What happened, Onam?"
"It was like they were waiting for us Lijalem. We circled the city telling them to come to the common. When the people were gathered, we started to land, but instead of backing away to make an opening for us to touch earth, they stood under us. As soon as I started to speak, stones half the size of your fist began to hit us from all sides. I rose, but we were both injured. Maya has a cut over her eye and the rotor bird was damaged. We killed several hundred in the streets before the rotor bird started to shake and smoke. You know the rest."
Lijalem was troubled. "I don't doubt they were prepared, but how did they know? We need to find out what they know before we go back. Does anyone have an idea?"
Onam didn't hesitate. "I've been thinking about using Jorham. We could drop him outside the city at night. He could wander in looking for work and a meal and live with them long enough to learn how they knew we could be brought down."
"You mean send Jorham to spy? He might tell them we"re just men."
"He's too loyal to do that Lijalem."
"Loyal or afraid?"
"Call it what you want, I say he's too loyal, and I can prove it!"
"Beyond doubt?
"Beyond doubt!"
"Lijalem, he has several daughters but only one son. Tomorrow Jorham is going to sacrifice his only son to his God."
Yetbarek came out of his chair. "He's going to what? Onam your going too far. This is crazy. Jorham would do anything for us, and you know it."
"Lijalem doesn't think so, so I"m going to prove it."
Before sunrise the next morning Onam called at Jorham's door. Jorham was surprised at the early visit from his god, but quickly fell to his knees and asked, "My Lord, what is your wish?"
"Take your only son Saba to a place I will show you, and offer him as a sacrifice to your God."
"My Lord!"
Onam said, "Do as I say, or it will not go well for you." then turned and left.
Jorham was shaken. He could not believe his god would do this to him. His wives had heard the demand, and they were in complete disbelief. Even though the only male child in the house belonged to the other wife, the quiet one stood in silence with tears running down her face. The noisy wife screamed, "No, you will not take him from me!"
But when the next morning came, Jorham started the journey. He left home with his only son, two laborers, and a donkey. He was angry, heavy of heart, and very afraid of his god. Along the way, they stopped to cut wood. When the wood was loaded on the donkey, they walked along the old path the people made when Onam moved them to his valley. When they reached the village's last campsite, Jorham saw the hill Onam had described to him. He told the laborers, "Stay here with the donkey. Saba and I have to go up and sacrifice to our God. We"ll be back soon." Jorham took the wood off the donkey and gave it to Saba to carry while he carried the fire and the knife.
As they started the climb, Saba said, "Father?"
"What is it Saba?"
"We have the fire and the wood, but nothing to sacrifice."
After a long silence, Jorham answered, "Onam will see that we have a sacrifice."

22nd Jun, 2008 - 6:54am / Post ID: #

Book Sons God The Bible Revealed - Page 10

When they got to the top of the hill, Saba helped Jorham collect stones to build an altar. While Jorham was arranging the wood on the altar, Saba realized what his father was about to do and tried to run, but Jorham caught him by the arm, tied his hands, and feet, and laid him on the wood.
Saba was screaming, "No, father! No!"
But Jorham pulled the knife from his belt and stood motionless for a time with his head hung in sorrow and grief thinking, "Why? Why must I do this?" but no answer came to him.
Yetbarek, who had followed at a distance, watched in horror as Jorham took his son's hair in his left hand and raised the knife. It didn't matter what Onam thought, he could not let this happen. He screamed, "Jorham! Jorham!"
Startled, Jorham hesitated long enough to say, "Yes, Lord?"
Yetbarek yelled, "Stop. Do not harm your son." Then in a voice subdued in anger he said, "I know how much you fear your God. Take your son home."
"You did what!"
"I followed Jorham and kept him from killing his own son."
"I told you he would do anything I tell him to do."
"Onam, your mind is twisted. You tell a man he has to sacrifice his only son to prove his loyalty. Put yourself in Jorham's sandals. No, better yet, put yourself in Saba's place. Can you imagine your own father tying you to an alter when you"ve seen enough blood sacrifices to know what he's going to do with the knife? Onam, what's wrong with you?"
"Do you have any doubt Jorham will do as I tell him."
Yetbarek was furious. "We all knew that but you and Lijalem!"
Before the conversation became more heated, Lijalem said, "Do you still intend to send Jorham in to spy?"
"Lijalem, Jorham passed the loyalty test and a smart spy has a better chance of surviving."
"You are right. We have to have good information before we go back to that city again."
Maya walked into the eating hall where they had gathered, put food on her plate, and sat next to Onam, then spoke to Lijalem. " In a few days Onam and I will bring in the next group. Are you going to need help?"
"No. Jorham and I can handle it."
Onam put his wine goblet down and reminded Lijalem, "Jorham isn't going to be here. I think you need to have him handpick a group of the best men, and from them you can pick his replacement. We need more help with the water way. If Jorham is successful, we can use him in Maya's place and let Maya fly."
Lijalem didn't like losing his best helper, but Onam was right, so he said, "All right. Bring him in."
"You sent for me, Lord?"
"Yes Jorham. We have something for you to do that will take you away for some time. This is a promotion for you, so I need to know who would be best to replace you here."
Jorham's surprise showed on his face. "Yakirta, Lord. He is master of the fresh water way. He is a good worker and admires you greatly."
"Is he intelligent? Can he solve problems most of the time without help?"
"Yes, Lord?"
"How many other worker leaders do you have like Yakirta?"
"Many, Lord." Jorham paused in thought for a moment. "But six that are better than most."
"Go home and put in a sheep skin the things you will need for a long journey. Tell your wives they will be taken care of by their God. They will not want for anything while you are gone. Send a messenger to the water way to tell Yakirta to pick a leader to replace him there, and come back here. Do you have any questions?"
"How long will I be away from my family?"
"A moon. Ten moons. I don't know. When you are ready, walk into the field by the big tree before sunset and wait to be taken up."
"Up my Lord?"
"Yes, Jorham, up. And Jorham, I know you will do well."
As usual, one of Jorham's wives was weeping, the other was angry. "Then you will not be here when your next two children are born?"
"My Lord orders me to go. He says you will want for nothing."
"Nothing but our husband."
Jorham looked at the wife that talked too much and said in a quiet voice. "Be quiet woman! If he hears you, you could die!"
The tearful wife asked quietly, " Can we come to the field to watch you go?"
"I'm sure our Lord won't object. I have to hurry. It's almost sunset." Jorham lifted the sheepskin bag and slipped his arm through a loop. He kissed both of his wives good-bye and walked toward the field. At the center of the open field, he stood waiting and watching the sun set through clouds of brilliant golds and reds. He almost forgot the importance of his being there as long fingers of light played through the clouds to turn everything they touched to gold. Jorham was jolted back to reality when he heard the wop, wop, wop of rotor blades becoming quickly louder. When it came into view, he watched the rotor bird as it came over the tree tops. It passed over him and turned to touch the earth with all the light of the setting sun reflecting off the polished wind armor. A door opened and Onam motioned Jorham into the right seat then reached across to make sure the door was fastened properly. When the bird rose, Jorham's wives lifted their heads from the ground just enough to see the sunset causing the rotor bird to glow and flash gold from all of its smooth surfaces. As it flew away from them they came to their knees, then stood to see over the tall grass. In awe they watched the rotor bird until they could no longer see it, then watched the empty sky until even the sound was gone. In wonder, Jorham's quiet wife spoke softly. " Our God has taken our husband up in a chariot of fire."

Reconcile Edited: mousetrails on 22nd Jun, 2008 - 6:58am

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