Talking Constantly
Most children when they reach a certain age tend to get involved in Talking Constantly, however, when a special needs child has this as part of her portfolio of activities it is more intense because the child expects your attention and answers sometimes immediately or they become emotional. They just do not see that you need a little free time for yourself or even that there is a turn for talk - in other words you talk and I listen then I talk and you listen.
How do you deal with your special needs child Talking Constantly?
Note: This Thread is different from the one in the Parenting Board - "How Do You Get Them To Shut Up?"
It's very tiring too, and sometimes you're bombarded that much that you can't think straight!
I take the same stance as LDS, I sometimes naturally switch off, because it's constant down my ear hole. I think you've got to live through it to understand how tiring it can become after a long day of it!
The hardest thing for me is that I work from home so just imagine trying to code, create and also hear talk, talk, talk in the background. Some days I am blank because of it and cannot work or study because I feel so overwhelmed.
I really don't know how you manage. I know that I am rubbish at 'multi tasking' and I need to concentrate on what I'm doing, or mistakes get made!
I think most people would have to 'switch off' once in a while for their own sanity, or you just get enveloped up in having to give constant attention, even when you're trying to think- I know that many a time, I'm trying to figure something out, and I don't get the chance to complete it, and have to repeat it to get it finished.
I do not know how I manage either. I mostly try to leave my work for late at night into the morning when the kids are sleeping, but the problem is that by that time I am either so tired or eventually get sick from lack of sleep.
Some weeks ago I actually got a laptop to try and get out more to see if it will help, but I have not actually tried leaving the house yet to see if it makes a difference. I guess I have gotten so used to the constant chatter than I cannot adjust to leaving my own home to escape noise.
This thread brought back so many memories. Once you do what the husbands do to their wives... Keep saying "Yeah", "Uhuh" and shaking your head like you're listening then you should be OK except when they ask you questions, then you're in for trouble.